PART. 25

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After a delicious dinner and some light-hearted banter, Yn's parents and her brother bid them goodnight, retiring to their respective rooms. Hoseok also excused himself, offering a wave and a smile before heading to his room.

Once the house was quiet, the girls gathered in Yn's room, ready for some fun. "That was such a great dinner," Jennie remarked, settling onto the floor with a contented sigh. "Your mom's cooking is amazing, Yn."

Yn smiled warmly. "Thanks, Jennie. I'll be sure to pass on the compliment to her."

As they lounged around, enjoying each other's company, they decided to shake things up with a mini fashion show. "Let's raid your closet, Yn!" Rosé exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Yn laughed, hopping off her bed and joining in the adventure. They spent the next hour trying on different outfits, mixing and matching pieces, and sharing plenty of laughter and stories along the way.

After the fashion show came to an end, they settled back on the bed, surrounded by a pile of clothes. "That was so much fun," Jisoo remarked, stretching out comfortably. "I needed this."

"Me too," Yn agreed, feeling grateful for her friends' presence. "Thanks for coming over, guys. It means a lot to me."

Jennie nodded, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Anytime, Yn. We're always here for you."

As they chatted late into the night, the bond between them grew even stronger, a testament to the enduring friendship they shared.

Yn grinned at Rosé's adorable snoring. "Looks like she's out for the count," she remarked softly to Jisoo.

Jisoo nodded, gently shifting Rosé to a more comfortable position. "Poor thing must be exhausted. Let's leave her be."

Together, they settled back into bed, feeling the warmth of their friendship as they cuddled close, drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

As YN roused from her uneasy slumber, she found herself seated on the familiar bench at the bus stop near her school. Yet, the scene before her was marred by an eerie transformation. The once-familiar surroundings now bore the marks of neglect and decay, with the worn-out bench sagging under the weight of time, its rusty frame a testament to years gone by.

Despite the unsettling changes, YN remained surprisingly composed, her senses sharpened by the peculiar familiarity of the dream-like scenario. As she rose to her feet and surveyed her altered surroundings, a figure emerged from the shadows - a man, not old in years but burdened with a world-weariness that belied his age.

Clad in outdated attire, the man exuded an air of disheveled anger, his features twisted in a grimace of frustration. In his hand, he clutched a worn bag, its contents unknown but undoubtedly laden with significance. With each step, he moved with purpose, his gaze fixed on a destination known only to him.

Though the sight of the stranger stirred a flicker of apprehension within her, YN remained steadfast, her resolve unshaken by the enigmatic presence before her. For in the realm of dreams, where reality and imagination intertwine, she knew that only by confronting the unknown could she uncover the truth hidden within the depths of her subconscious mind.

As YN observed the mysterious figure from the shadows, she strained to catch the murmurs that escaped his lips, the words lost in the night air. With bated breath, she watched as he approached the bus stop, his movements purposeful yet tinged with an unmistakable air of desperation.

Casting furtive glances over his shoulder, the man began to dig beneath the waiting seat, his movements fueled by a fervor that bordered on obsession. With each shovel of earth, he muttered curses under his breath, his voice laced with a palpable sense of bitterness and resentment.

As the hole deepened, the man withdrew a gleaming pendant from his worn bag, its beauty illuminated even in the dim light of the bus stop.

Yet, as he sliced his thumb with a sharp gesture, a shiver ran down YN's spine, a foreboding sense of dread gripping her heart

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Yet, as he sliced his thumb with a sharp gesture, a shiver ran down YN's spine, a foreboding sense of dread gripping her heart.

With a whispered incantation, the man allowed a drop of his blood to fall upon the pendant, the once-bright jewel now bathed in a sinister hue of crimson.

Without hesitation, he placed the corrupted talisman within the depths of the hole, covering it with earth as if sealing away a dark secret

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Without hesitation, he placed the corrupted talisman within the depths of the hole, covering it with earth as if sealing away a dark secret.

In the silence that followed, YN dared not make a sound, her pulse quickening with each passing moment. For in the presence of such dark sorcery, she knew that her very existence hung in the balance, a silent witness to a ritual shrouded in mystery and malevolence.

As YN's eyes fluttered open, she found herself greeted by the comforting sight of her own room, bathed in the soft glow of dawn. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, she cast a curious glance around, her gaze drifting over the familiar surroundings.

A gentle smile tugged at her lips as she took in the scene before her. Her bed, usually a haven of tranquility, was now a chaotic jumble of blankets and pillows, with clothes strewn haphazardly across every available surface.

In the midst of the chaos, her friends lay scattered about, their peaceful expressions a testament to the deep slumber that enveloped them. Rosé lay sprawled across YN's stomach, her tousled hair splayed out like a halo around her head. Jennie clung to YN's shoulder, her breaths coming in soft, even rhythms. And nestled against YN's chest, Jisoo lay curled up, her features relaxed in the embrace of sleep.

As YN took in the sight of her friends, a warmth bloomed within her chest, dispelling the remnants of unease that lingered from her unsettling dream. With a contented sigh, she settled back against her pillows, surrounded by the reassuring presence of those she held dear. In that moment, amidst the chaos of her room, YN found solace and peace, a silent promise of the bonds that bound them together.

Hey everyone! 😊🎉

Just wanted to drop a quick note to say THANK YOU for sticking with me through the ups and downs of YN's story. Your support means everything! Can't wait to see where our adventure takes us next. 🚀✨

Stay awesome,

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