PART. 38

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Enjoy 😉

Yn sat on her bed, lost in her thoughts. The weight of the recent revelations pressed heavily on her mind. She barely noticed when the door to her room creaked open. Hoseok stepped in, a sad smile tugging at his lips as he saw his sister. Yn gave him a faint smile in return.

Hoseok sat beside her and let out a deep, sorrowful sigh. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the pendant, its glow a reminder of the burdens they now shared. His smile turned wistful as he began to speak.

"This was our mother's pendant," Hoseok said softly, his eyes fixed on the piece of jewelry. "She used to wear it all the time. It was her favorite. I remember one day, when we were out for a picnic, someone stole it. You were maybe three years old then. The day it was stolen, it felt like all our happiness vanished with this pendant."

Yn listened carefully, her heart aching with each word. Hoseok's voice trembled as he continued.

"It was our parents' anniversary when I saw them last. They called our uncle and aunt and promised they would come back soon. But they never did." Hoseok's voice broke, and he paused to collect himself. "After a year, uncle and aunt adopted us. I learned later that they would never come back. You’re the only memory of them I have left, and that’s why I—"

Hoseok choked, unable to finish his sentence as tears began to roll down his cheeks. His body shook with silent sobs, the weight of his grief and the years of unspoken pain finally surfacing.

Yn felt her own tears well up as she watched her brother break down. She reached out and pulled him into a tight embrace, their sobs mingling as they clung to each other. The pendant, a symbol of their lost happiness, rested between them, glowing softly as if to offer its own comfort.

They cried together for what felt like hours, releasing the sorrow that had been pent up for so long. It was a cathartic release, a moment of shared grief that brought them even closer.

"I miss them so much," Hoseok whispered, his voice hoarse from crying.

"I do too," Yn replied, her voice equally raw. "But we have each other, and we'll get through this together."

Hoseok nodded, pulling back slightly to look at his sister. "We will. And we'll honor their memory by staying strong and facing whatever comes our way."

Yn smiled through her tears, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "Together," she echoed, holding his hand tightly.

As they sat in the quiet of Yn's room, the bond between them felt stronger than ever. They knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them side by side, united by love, shared memories, and the strength of their family.

"This now belongs to you," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of sadness and hope.

"Take care of it, Yn. Good night."Yn clutched the pendant, feeling its warmth and the weight of its history. "Good night, Oppa," she replied, watching as he left the room and headed to his own to sleep.

Left alone in the quiet of her room, Yn felt a surge of determination ignite within her. She looked at the pendant, the legacy of her family and the key to her newfound powers. A fierce resolve took hold of her heart.

"I swear on my life," she whispered to the stillness, "I will uncover the truth that lies hidden and seal the darkness away from the world."

With a renewed sense of purpose, Yn knew that the journey ahead would be fraught with challenges and dangers. But she was ready. She would face whatever came her way, armed with the strength of her family’s legacy and the unwavering support of those she loved. And with the pendant around her neck, she felt a deep connection to her past and a powerful drive to protect the future.

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