PART. 43

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Yn emerged from the bathroom feeling refreshed, her hair still damp and a hint of tiredness lingering in her eyes. She plopped down on her bed beside Jennie, Jisoo, and Rosé, ready for a good chat.

"So," Yn began, her voice tinged with a mixture of excitement and concern, "I need to tell you guys about Jungkook."

Jennie perked up, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Oh, do tell! How's it going with your bunny boy?"

Yn smiled at the nickname but quickly grew serious. "He loves me so much, you know? It's just... lately, he's been acting a bit... off."

Rosé leaned in closer, her brows furrowed with worry. "Off how? What do you mean?"

Yn sighed, trying to find the right words. "It's like, he's become really possessive and intense. I mean, I know he cares, but sometimes it feels a bit... overwhelming. And my life is already so fucked up with everything going on."

Jisoo placed a comforting hand on Yn's shoulder. "We’re here for you, Yn. But you can handle him. You’ve always been strong."

Jennie nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and you love him too, right? Maybe it’s just a phase, and he'll calm down once things settle."

Yn bit her lip, nodding slightly. "I hope so. But it’s more than that. With my powers and everything, I feel like I need to be prepared for anything."

Rosé’s eyes widened slightly. "Your powers... right. Have you figured out more about them?"

Yn shook her head. "Not much. Just that I can change fate, but I get these visions as warnings. It's a lot to handle."

Jisoo’s face lit up with an idea. "You know, Yn, it might be a good idea if you became something like a detective or an agent. Or even a police officer. It would be easier for you to protect yourself and your family with your powers."

Jennie’s eyes brightened. "Yeah! You’d be amazing at it, Yn. You’ve got the instincts and the courage."

Rosé nodded enthusiastically. "And you wouldn’t be alone. We’ll all support you, no matter what you choose to do."

Jisoo smiled, her eyes full of determination. "Actually, I’ve been thinking about it too. I want to become someone who can protect others, just like that."

Yn felt a surge of gratitude and hope, looking at her friends who were always there for her. "Thank you, guys. Really. I couldn’t do this without you."

Jennie grinned. "Of course, you can’t get rid of us that easily. We’re a team, remember?"

Rosé added with a soft smile, "And whatever happens with Jungkook, we’re here to help you through it."

Yn felt a weight lift off her shoulders as they continued to talk and plan, finding strength and comfort in the bond they shared.

After some random chitchat, they decided to go back to their homes. Yn too wanted to walk with them, but Jennie stopped her because it was dark outside.

"Yn, it's too dark outside. You shouldn't walk alone," Jennie said, concern evident in her voice.

Yn chuckled and shook her head. "I'll be fine, Jennie. I promise. I'll walk with you all, and then I'll head home."

Jennie sighed, knowing how stubborn Yn could be. "Alright, but be careful "

One by one, they departed, leaving Yn alone. She was supposed to go home, but she felt a strange pull, an instinct urging her to enter an alley instead. The darkness of the alley didn't deter her; it felt almost familiar.

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