PART. 21

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Unknown person's POV:

The man's grip tightened around the stem of the wine glass, his knuckles turning white with the force of his emotions. Each word of Yn's rejection echoed through his mind like a relentless refrain, fueling the fire of his frustration and despair.

"You think you can control me with your twisted version of love? You're delusional."

"I'll never love you."

The bitter taste of her words lingered on his tongue, a bitter reminder of his unrequited affection. He hurled the glass against the wall with all the force of his pent-up anger, the sound of shattering glass punctuating the heavy silence of the room.

"Why?" he screamed into the emptiness, his voice hoarse with emotion. "Why won't you love me? I've told you how I feel, can't you see?"

His mind raced with thoughts of Yn and the other man who had captured her heart. Jealousy and resentment burned within him, consuming him from the inside out.

"Is it because of him?" he muttered to himself, his voice tinged with bitterness. "Is he the reason you'll never love me?"

But deep down, he knew the truth. It wasn't about the other man; it was about Yn's own heart and her freedom to choose who she loved. And no matter how much he wished it were different, he couldn't force her to feel something she didn't.

As the echoes of his screams faded into the darkness, he sank to his knees, the weight of his unrequited love crushing him. In that moment of vulnerability, he allowed himself to mourn the love he could never have, knowing that some wounds could never fully heal.

With a hollow laugh echoing through the dimly lit room, he gazed into the abyss of his own despair. "Crying over words," he scoffed bitterly, his voice laced with madness. "I didn't even shed a tear when my own parents left this world. Yet your rejection cuts deeper than any blade."

His laughter twisted into a sinister grin as he proclaimed with a chilling resolve, "No matter the cost, I will possess you."


Hoseok's parents exchanged concerned glances as he recounted the unsettling events. His mother clasped her hands together, her expression reflecting her worry. "Oh, my goodness. Is YN alright?"

Hoseok nodded, his voice tense with apprehension. "Physically, yes, but she's deeply shaken. Someone was in the house, someone dangerous."

His father's brow furrowed in concern. "Did you call for backup?"

Hoseok shook his head. "Not yet. I wanted to make sure YN was safe first."

Just then, his mother noticed the absence of rain. "Wasn't it raining when I left?"

Hoseok nodded. "Yes, it was pouring. It's stopped now."

His father's concern deepened. "Strange... I'll check around the house, just to be sure." He headed towards the windows to survey the surroundings.

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