PART. 03

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Still in Y/n's POV:

I felt like I was losing consciousness, my heart racing as tears welled up in my eyes. "Who are you? Leave me," I managed to choke out, attempting to free myself from the embrace. But then I felt something wet on my shoulder and heard a low sob. Was he crying after scaring me like that?

"I said, who are you?" I demanded again, my voice trembling.

"We will meet soon. Take care of yourself till then," came the reply, still shrouded in darkness.

Confusion swirled in my mind as I had so many questions left unanswered. Suddenly, it felt like someone was aggressively shaking me, and when I opened my eyes, I saw Jisoo beside me, her concerned expression breaking through the haze of my nightmare.

"What just happened?" I asked, still feeling disoriented.

"I thought you fell asleep, but then you started crying," Jisoo explained. "I assumed you were having a nightmare, so I woke you up."

"A nightmare?" I repeated, trying to process what had just occurred. It had felt too real to be just a dream. I sighed in relief at the thought.

"Are you okay?" Jisoo asked, her voice filled with concern.

"I don't know," I replied honestly, my mind still reeling from the experience.

Deciding it was best to leave, I suggested, "I think we should go home now."

"Okay, let's go. But are you really okay?" Jisoo pressed, her worry evident in her voice.

"I don't know," I repeated, still grappling with the strange encounter.

Together, we made our way back home, the events of the day lingering in my mind like a haunting melody.

Time skip;

After arriving home, they headed straight to the room.

Jisoo: Y/nee, you don't look good. Can you tell me what happened?

Y/n hesitated for a moment.

Y/n: I'm okay. Just tired.

She managed a tired smile, but Jisoo wasn't convinced. Pressing her lips together, Jisoo nodded.

Jisoo: Okay. If something happens, make sure to tell me, okay?

Y/n: Okay.

Jisoo: Hmm, then I'll get going. I have to go to the hospital now.

Y/n: Okay. Go safely and text me when you reach the hospital, okay?

Jisoo: Okay.

With that, Jisoo left the room. Y/n flopped onto the bed, lost in thought.

Y/n's POV:

Why can't I bring myself to tell her? Every time I try, I feel paralyzed, overwhelmed by the thought of sharing my strange experiences. But it was just a dream, right? I'm just overthinking.

She buried her face in the pillow, trying to push away the unsettling thoughts. Soon, the door opened.

Hoseok: Y/n, Mom is calling for dinner.

Y/n: Okay.

Peeking out from behind the pillow, Y/n saw Hoseok smile before leaving the room. She sat up and noticed a notification on her phone. It was a message from her best friend.

Y/n: Shit, I almost forgot about her.

She muttered to herself.

Munchkin 💝: Hey bestie, I think you forgot about me, huh?

Y/n: How could I?

Munchkin 💝: Yeah, yeah. How could you? No messages, no calls. I think you don't care about me.

Y/n: I was just about to call you.

Munchkin 💝: LIAR.

Y/n: Please, sorry. It's just, ugh, I can't tell you right now. But why didn't you come to school today?

Munchkin 💝: Yesterday, I had a night out with my cousins, and I was sleepy and exhausted.

Munchkin 💝: BTW, I messaged you about tomorrow's homework since my bestie DOESN'T CARE ABOUT ME.

Y/n: It's not like that.

Munchkin 💝: HOMEWORK?

Y/n: Okay😭.

Sighing, Y/n sent her friend the homework before heading to the dining room.

Sighing, Y/n sent her friend the homework before heading to the dining room

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Mom was setting up dinner, and I joined her to help. Curiously, she asked, "I thought Jisoo would be staying for dinner. Why didn't you stop her?"

I replied as I arranged the plates, "She had to go to the hospital."

Mom noticed my change in demeanor and questioned, "Now, what happened to you? You were so energetic earlier."

With a tired smile, I replied, "Just tired."

As Dad and my brother joined us, I greeted Dad with a smile. "Hi, Dad."

He responded warmly, "Hey, sweetie. How was your day?"

"Good," I replied.

We exchanged smiles before starting dinner. However, both Hoseok and I were absent-mindedly playing with our food. Concerned, Mom asked, "You two, why are you not eating? Is there a problem?"

Quickly, I reassured her, "No, it's very delicious," and started eating quickly. But Hoseok set his chopsticks down, sighing heavily, which caught everyone's attention.

"I, uh, have something to say," he hesitated.

Dad noticed his unease, asking, "Is everything okay, son? You look troubled."

Finally, Hoseok revealed, "I'm going to settle in Russia. With Angelina."

The revelation stunned everyone into silence. Chopsticks slipped from my hand in shock.

And that's where this chapter comes to an end. Apologies for its brevity. Hope you all enjoyed it!

 Hope you all enjoyed it!

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This meme made my day🤧

OMG poor hobi 🫣
Take care of yourselfs Stay safe and healthy byeee👋👋

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