PART. 41

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After the class, as the lunch break approached, Yn gathered her courage and told Jennie and Jisoo to meet at the courtyard with Rosé because she had something important to share. They exchanged puzzled looks but nodded, trusting Yn's urgency.

Once they were all gathered in the courtyard, Yn took a deep breath and showed them what she had found - an ancient book. Jennie, Jisoo, and Rosé's eyes widened in shock.

"Yn, what is this?" Jennie asked, her voice tinged with curiosity and concern.

"This book... it explains everything about my powers," Yn began, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her. "Listen to this."

She read aloud from the book:

*“Those who possess the ability to alter fate will experience visions of the future. These visions serve as warnings, allowing them to avoid actions that would lead to undesirable outcomes. However, the ultimate fate of such individuals is often shrouded in darkness, with death being a common end.”*

"Visions of the future... so that's what my dreams are," Yn said, her voice trembling slightly. "They're warnings."

Jennie, Jisoo, and Rosé listened intently, their expressions a mix of awe and fear.

Jisoo, trying to process everything, whispered, "So, every dream you have is trying to tell you something? Trying to warn you?"

Yn nodded. "Yes. And if I don't pay attention, something terrible could happen."

Jennie’s eyes were filled with tears. "Is there any way to stop it? To change your fate?"

"I'm not sure," Yn replied, turning the pages of the book. "But there's more."

She continued reading:

*“To master the power of fate, one must understand its duality. Every change in the present creates ripples in the future. The wielder must seek balance and be prepared for visions that will guide or warn. Knowledge is key, but so is the acceptance of one’s ultimate path.”*

"Balance... ripples in the future... I need to understand how every decision I make can affect what's to come," Yn muttered to herself, her mind racing.

Jennie spoke up, her voice filled with fear, "There has to be a way to avoid this, Yn. We can't lose you."

"I know, Jennie. I know," Yn hummed in response, her eyes scanning the book for more answers.

She found another passage:

*“To gain clarity and control, the seeker must perform the Ritual of Mirrors under the light of a full moon. This ritual will reveal hidden truths and strengthen the bond between the present and future.”*

Yn hesitated, her voice wavering, "Maybe, just maybe I don't want to do this. It's just my gut feeling telling me not to."

Rosé stepped closer, her voice soft yet firm, "Yn, you have to follow your instincts. We'll support whatever decision you make."

Yn nodded, grateful for her friends' support. As she continued to read, she found another ominous passage:

*“The fate of the one who alters destiny is fraught with peril. To change fate is to challenge the natural order, and such defiance often leads to a tragic end. Yet, within this power lies the potential for great good. The key is to find the balance between intervention and acceptance.”*

Jisoo and Rosé approached Yn and hugged her tightly, offering silent comfort. After a few moments of silence, Rosé spoke, her voice filled with concern, "So the dream you mentioned... that's what the future is?"

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