PART. 44

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                             the contain is too much longer so I decided to make two chapters 😅.

As the gang members closed in, Jungkook hesitated, his confidence wavering in the face of overwhelming odds. Taehyung noticed his friend's uncertainty and braced himself for the impending clash.

But just as the gang prepared to strike, Taehyung's eyes flashed with determination. With a swift motion, he summoned a sword of his own, the blade gleaming in the dim light of the alley. With a skilled flourish, Taehyung fought back against the gang, his movements fluid and precise.

 With a skilled flourish, Taehyung fought back against the gang, his movements fluid and precise

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Ignore the snow 😅

Jungkook watched in awe as Taehyung dispatched their assailants with ease, his heart swelling with admiration for his friend's bravery and skill.

After the last of the gang members had been defeated, Taehyung approached Jungkook, his expression stern. "What was that hesitation, Jeon?" he demanded, his voice tinged with frustration. "How do you expect to protect Yn if you can't even defend yourself?"

Jungkook's jaw clenched with anger as he bristled at Taehyung's words. "I-I was just trying to keep her safe," he stammered, his voice tinged with defensiveness.

But Taehyung wasn't buying it. "You were too busy daydreaming about Yn to even focus on the fight," he accused, his tone cutting like a knife. "This is no game, Jungkook. Yn's life is at stake, and you need to snap out of it."

Jungkook's fists clenched with frustration as he struggled to contain his emotions. "Stay out of this, Taehyung," he spat, his voice laced with venom. "Yn is mine, and I'll do whatever it takes to protect her."

But Taehyung just chuckled with disbelief. "Yn was never yours to begin with," he countered, his tone firm. "She was destined for me from the start."

Jungkook's eyes widened with shock as Taehyung's words sank in. His mind reeled with disbelief, unable to comprehend the truth of Taehyung's revelation. But deep down, he knew that Taehyung spoke the truth, and that his obsession with Yn had clouded his judgment from the very beginning.

A moment for the past:

The park was bustling with the laughter of children, but an 8-year-old boy sat alone on a bench, his sketchbook open on his lap. His dark eyes were focusedon his drawing, each stroke of his pencil deliberate and precise. He felt the weight of isolation, believing that no one wanted to be his friend.

Lost in his work, he didn't notice a younger girl running towards him until it was too late. She tripped and fell into him, her hands smudging his nearly completed painting. His masterpiece was ruined.

The boy's initial reaction was one of anger. He opened his mouth to scold her, but when he looked into her eyes, he saw pure innocence and fear. The girl's eyes were wide, filling with tears as she realized what she had done. Her small voice trembled as she apologized, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to ruin your painting."

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