PART. 11

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Hello everyone, how are y'all hope you all are doing fine. As I'm suffering from fever 🤒 i couldn't update the story so here I'm writing in the bed....make sure to vote, share and comment 😚...........

As the class drew to a close, a student's hand shot up, seeking permission to speak. The teacher, with an amiable nod, granted the request. "Teacher, could you please introduce yourself?" the student inquired.

A chuckle escaped the teacher, his cheeks dimpling with a warm smile. "Ah, my apologies," he began, his tone light-hearted. "I'm Kim Namjoon, 21 years old. And yes, I'll be your teacher for the time being." His words were met with a ripple of excitement among the students, the classroom atmosphere instantly brightening with anticipation.

" His words were met with a ripple of excitement among the students, the classroom atmosphere instantly brightening with anticipation

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Kim Namjoon, a 21-year-old with a towering intellect and a penchant for breaking things, stood before the class. As Hoseok's closest confidant, he shared a bond with Y/n akin to that of an older brother, his affection for her shining through in the subtle gestures of protection and guidance. With a mind as sharp as his wit, Namjoon's presence promised to inject a dynamic energy into the classroom, one that would leave a lasting impression on all who crossed his path.


After class, Y/n found herself walking alongside Namjoon in the hallway. Despite his new role as a teacher, Namjoon's demeanor remained approachable and friendly.

"Hey, Y/n," Namjoon greeted with a warm smile. "How was class today? Hopefully not too boring."

Y/n chuckled, shaking her head. "It was alright, but I think everyone was just waiting for the bell to ring."

Namjoon nodded in agreement. "I know the feeling. Sometimes even I catch myself checking the clock during lectures."

They continued chatting, exchanging lighthearted jokes and anecdotes as they made their way down the bustling hallway. Y/n couldn't help but appreciate Namjoon's down-to-earth personality and easygoing nature.

As they approached the end of the hallway, Namjoon glanced at his watch. "Well, duty calls. I should probably head back to the staff room."

Y/n nodded, giving him a friendly smile. "Thanks for the chat, Oppa. See you around."

With a wave, Namjoon headed off towards the staff room, leaving Y/n with a sense of warmth and camaraderie. It was moments like these, shared with friends old and new, that made navigating the halls of high school a little more enjoyable.

As Y/n and Namjoon engaged in a lively conversation in the hallway, their laughter and banter echoed off the walls. Their easy rapport drew the attention of passersby, including Jungkook, who watched from a distance with a mixture of curiosity and jealousy.

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