PART. 13

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As they settled onto the cozy sofa in Rosé's living room, Y/n couldn't help but admire the elegant decor of her friend's home.

As they settled onto the cozy sofa in Rosé's living room, Y/n couldn't help but admire the elegant decor of her friend's home

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"Wow, Rosé, your place is gorgeous!" Y/n exclaimed, taking in the tasteful furnishings and warm ambiance.

Jisoo nodded in agreement, a smile gracing her lips. "Yeah, it's so cozy and inviting. I love it."

Rosé beamed at her friends' compliments, feeling proud of her cozy abode. "Thanks, guys! Make yourselves at home."

With snacks on the way and laughter filling the air, it was shaping up to be a perfect afternoon spent with friends.

While munching on snacks, Rosé and Jennie hopped up from the sofa and made a beeline for the kitchen to fetch some drinks. Y/n watched them go, appreciating their teamwork when it came to keeping the refreshments flowing.

As Rosé and Jennie disappeared into the kitchen, the main door swung open with a familiar voice chiming, "I'm home!" Someone entered, their back turned to the group as they kicked off their shoes with a practiced ease.

As he turned around, his eyes locked with Y/n's, causing a moment of shock to ripple through the room. Jisoo and Y/n exchanged awkward glances, unsure of how to react to the unexpected arrival of this stranger.

"So, we meet again," he said, his voice smooth as he closed the distance between them

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"So, we meet again," he said, his voice smooth as he closed the distance between them. With a casual lean on the sofa, he continued, "Looks like destiny has a way of bringing us together, doesn't it?" His tone carried a playful charm, but Y/n felt a knot of unease tightening in her stomach, unsure of how to navigate the sudden encounter.

He asked with a sly grin, "So, what's your name, pretty, and what are you doing here?" Y/n's heart raced as she stuttered, "Um, I-I came to my friend's house?" She shot a quick glance at Jisoo, silently pleading for assistance, before continuing, "Yeah, we're just hanging out at Rosé's place. And who are you, mister?"

With a casual shrug, he replied, "Oh, I'm her brother." His gaze lingered on Y/n, his smile widening as he leaned in a little closer. "Well, it's good to hear that. So, do you mind joining me for tonight's dinner, princess?" As he spoke, he reached out to gently twirl a strand of Y/n's hair around his finger, his touch sending shivers down her spine.

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