PART. 07

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As the three of them settled comfortably in the bedroom, waiting for Y/n's father, Hoseok began to express his thoughts about his sister.

Hoseok: "Y/n, there's something I need to tell you. You're not like other people. You have powers that you don't fully understand."

Y/n looked at her brother with a mix of surprise and confusion.

Y/n: "Powers? What do you mean?"

Hoseok: "You're like a ray of light in our lives, but that light attracts dark forces. They're drawn to you because of what you can do."

Y/n's eyes widened as she processed Hoseok's words.

Y/n: "But why didn't you tell me this before?"

Hoseok sighed, knowing he should have told her sooner.

Hoseok: "You were weak I wanted to protect you, but now we need to face this together."

Before they could continue their conversation, they were interrupted by a sudden noise from Y/n's bedroom.

Jennie: "What was that?!"

They exchanged worried glances, realizing they were the only ones home.

Hoseok: "I'll go check it out."

Y/n grabbed his arm, her voice trembling with fear.

Y/n: "No, Oppa, it might be a trap. We should stay here and figure out our next move."

Hoseok hesitated, torn between protecting his family and the unknown danger lurking in the house.

As the three of them settled into high alert, each grasped something within reach for protection. With hearts pounding, they cautiously approached Y/n's room, Hoseok leading the way with a defensive stance.

Their footsteps echoed in the tense silence as they reached the door, their breaths shallow with anticipation. With a swift twist of the doorknob, Hoseok pushed the door open, ready to confront whatever awaited them inside.

But to their astonishment, the room was empty. They scanned every corner, every shadow, but found no sign of anyone or anything amiss. Y/n's bathroom was thoroughly inspected, every nook and cranny examined, yet there was no trace of intrusion.

Confusion clouded their minds as they tried to make sense of the situation. What had caused the noise? Was it a trick of the imagination, or something more sinister?

Hoseok's brow furrowed in frustration, his grip on his makeshift weapon tightening with unease. Jennie exchanged a worried glance with Y/n, uncertainty flickering in her eyes.

With no answers forthcoming, they reluctantly withdrew from the room, the mystery still unsolved. But one thing was certain - they couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched, and that danger lurked just beyond their grasp.

As they descended to the kitchen, the tension from the earlier encounter still lingering in the air, they sought solace in the simple act of quenching their thirst. Seated around the table, they sipped water, the cool liquid offering a brief respite from the uncertainty that had gripped them.

Curiosity burning in her eyes, Y/n turned to Hoseok, her voice tinged with apprehension. "Have you ever experienced anything like this before?" she asked, her gaze searching his face for any sign of reassurance.

Hoseok shook his head, a furrow forming between his brows as he considered her question. "No, never," he admitted, his tone tinged with uncertainty. "But I've heard stories from our elders, tales of strange occurrences that defy explanation."

Jennie's eyes widened at his words, a shiver running down her spine. "Do you think it's... supernatural?" she ventured, her voice barely above a whisper.

Hoseok hesitated, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on him. "I don't know," he confessed, his gaze troubled. "But whatever it is, we need to be prepared. We can't afford to let our guard down."

With a shared nod of agreement, they lapsed into a tense silence, their minds swirling with questions and fears. As they waited for Y/n's father to return, the specter of the unknown loomed large in their thoughts, casting a shadow over their once-peaceful existence.

As time ticked by, the sound of approaching footsteps signaled the return of Y/n's father. Their hearts lifted at the familiar sound, a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty that had engulfed them.

The door swung open, and Y/n's father stepped into the kitchen, his presence a reassuring anchor in the midst of turmoil. His eyes flickered with concern as he took in the somber atmosphere, sensing that something was amiss.

"Is everything alright?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern as he approached the table where they sat.

Hoseok glanced at Y/n, silently deferring to her to explain the strange events that had unfolded in their absence. With a deep breath, Y/n recounted the unsettling occurrences, her words punctuated by the tension that hung heavy in the air.

Her father listened attentively, his brow furrowing in concern as he processed the gravity of the situation. After a moment of thoughtful silence, he spoke, his voice calm yet tinged with a hint of urgency.

"We need to take this seriously," he said.

As he spoke, Y/n's father's words hung heavy in the air, each syllable laden with a weight that seemed to press down upon them. He explained the gravity of the situation, revealing a truth that sent shivers down their spines.

"You are the 8th moon child, child of the light" he began, his voice steady but tinged with an unmistakable sense of urgency. "Every 10,000 years, two children are blessed with a unique power under the 8th moon,."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing.

"One possesses the power of darkness, an irresistible force that threatens to plunge the world into chaos. The other, the power of light, holds the key to restoring peace and harmony."

Their eyes widened in astonishment as the magnitude of his revelation settled upon them. Y/n's father went on to explain the prophecy surrounding the 8th moon child, a prophecy that foretold both great hope and dire consequences.

"It is said that during the chaos, the 8th moon child will face an unknown weakness, leading to their demise," he explained solemnly. "We have been protecting you because we do not yet know what that weakness is. Your powers have yet to awaken, but they will manifest when you are on the brink of death."

Silence descended upon the room, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air. Each of them processed the information, grappling with the enormity of the destiny that awaited Y/n.

But amidst the uncertainty, there was a glimmer of determination in their eyes. They would face this challenge head-on, united in their resolve to protect Y/n and defy the grim prophecy that loomed over them.

"Thanks for joining us on this journey! Remember, even in the face of uncertainty, there's always hope. 😊 Stay tuned for more adventures ahead!"

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