PART. 23

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As they pulled up to Yn's school, Hoseok stepped out of the car, offering to assist Yn with her bags.

"Need any help with your bags, Yn?" Hoseok asked, his voice warm and caring.

But the moment he emerged from the sleek, expensive car, heads turned, and whispers spread like wildfire among the students.

"Who's that?" one student whispered to another, their curiosity piqued by the sight of the handsome newcomer.

"I heard he's Yn's brother. He's so handsome!" another student remarked, unable to tear their gaze away from Hoseok's striking appearance.

"He must be loaded. Look at that car!" a third student exclaimed, their eyes widening at the sight of the luxurious vehicle.

"Yeah, but I bet he's stuck-up. Probably thinks he's better than everyone else," another student chimed in, crossing their arms and shooting a disdainful glance at Hoseok.

"I don't know, he seems nice enough," a more optimistic student countered, defending Hoseok against the harsh judgments of their peers.

"Whatever, let's go see if we can get a closer look," another student suggested eagerly, leading the group as they approached Hoseok and Yn.

Captivated by the sudden attention, Yn couldn't help but feel a pang of annoyance at the spectacle.

"Geez, gold diggers," she muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes at the sight of students flocking towards her brother.

Hoseok caught wind of her reaction and simply chuckled at her exasperation.

"Come on, Yn. Let's make a grand entrance," he teased, playfully nudging her shoulder before bidding her farewell.

"See you later, sis!" Hoseok called out, a playful grin on his face.

Yn waved her hand dismissively, eager to escape the spotlight and head into the school.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," she replied, her annoyance fading as she focused on navigating through the throngs of students.

As Yn turned, she found herself still in the spotlight, with numerous students casting envious glances her way. Some girls shot her daggers with their eyes, clearly jealous of the attention she was receiving, while some boys couldn't seem to take their eyes off her, their admiration evident in their stares.

Yn couldn't help but roll her eyes at the spectacle before her. With a tone laced with sass, she remarked, "Well, well, well, looks like the paparazzi found their new target. Sorry to disappoint, darlings, but this show's invitation-only, and you ain't on the list."

Her sharp retort seemed to break the spell, and the students quickly dispersed, returning to their own conversations and activities.

Yn smirked to herself, satisfied with her response. With a toss of her head, she sauntered off, leaving behind the whispers and stares of her classmates.

As Yn collected her necessary items from her locker, a tap on her shoulder caught her attention. When she turned, she found Jennie, Jisoo, and Rosé standing there, wearing mischievous grins.

Rosé cleared her throat theatrically and announced in a regal tone, "Long live the queen, Yn!" Everyone burst into laughter, including Yn, who joined in the fun.

Yn couldn't help but chuckle at their antics. "Oh, you guys are too much," she teased, rolling her eyes playfully.

Jisoo nodded enthusiastically. "That's right! But seriously, Yn, your sassy remarks are legendary. I love it!"

Yn grinned, feeling a sense of camaraderie with her friends. "Well, what can I say? I aim to entertain."

Jennie chimed in with a playful wink. "Mission accomplished, Yn. You always keep us on our toes!"

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