PART. 33

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Hoseok put the car on its top speed to reach the location. After two hours of a tense ride, they finally reached their destination. They stepped out of the car, the air heavy with anticipation, each breath laced with a sense of foreboding.

Hoseok surveyed the abandoned building before them, its crumbling facade a testament to the passage of time and neglect. "This is it," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jungkook's gaze flickered over the dilapidated structure, his senses on high alert. "Let's split up and search," he suggested, his tone firm and decisive.

Hoseok nodded in agreement, his jaw set with determination. "Be careful," he cautioned, his voice tinged with concern. "We don't know what we might find inside."

Rosé stepped forward, her expression resolute. "We'll stay together," she promised, her voice steady despite the unease swirling within her.

With a silent nod, they approached the building, their footsteps echoing against the cracked pavement. As they entered the abandoned structure, the air grew thick with tension, each step fraught with uncertainty.

Jungkook led the way, his senses honed for any sign of danger. "Keep your eyes peeled," he instructed, his voice low but commanding. "We don't know what we're dealing with."

Hoseok followed closely behind, his every muscle tense with anticipation. "Stay close," he urged, his voice a whisper against the oppressive silence of the building's interior.

Jennie, Jisoo, and Rosé stood together, their hearts pounding in their chests as they surveyed their surroundings. Jisoo's voice broke the tense silence, her tone urgent yet determined. "We need to be prepared," she declared, her eyes scanning the area for any sign of danger.

Jennie nodded in agreement, her gaze sweeping over the debris-strewn floor. "Let's find something we can use as a weapon," she suggested, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

With a nod of determination, Rosé joined in the search, her eyes scanning the dimly lit interior for anything that could help them defend themselves. "We need to stay together," she reminded them, her voice firm and resolute.

As they moved cautiously through the abandoned building, they each picked up makeshift weapons—a broken piece of wood, a rusted pipe, anything that could offer them some measure of protection in the face of the unknown.


As Yn washed away the tears that had stained her cheeks, her mind raced with confusion and fear. What had she seen when they uncovered that pendant? The images flashed before her eyes, vivid and haunting, leaving her shaken to the core.

In her hands, the pendant had seemed to come alive, revealing scenes from its past that were now etched into her memory. There was a very beautiful woman, cradling a newborn in her arms, and beside her stood a young boy, his eyes filled with adoration as he gazed at his new sibling.

The woman's voice echoed in Yn's mind, soft yet filled with urgency. "Hoseok, this is your baby sister," she said, her words wrapping around Yn's heart like a warm embrace. "Isn't she adorable?"

The boy, Hoseok, giggled and nodded eagerly, poking the baby's cheek with his tiny finger. "She's the most beautiful baby I've ever seen, Mom," he replied, his voice filled with awe.

The woman smiled, her eyes shimmering with love and pride. "You're going to be the best big brother, Hoseok," she said, her voice tinged with emotion. "You'll always protect her and take care of her, won't you?"

Hoseok's face lit up with determination as he nodded, his small hand reaching out to touch his sister's tiny fingers. "I promise, Mom," he vowed, his voice filled with sincerity. "I'll always be there for her, no matter what."

Yn felt a lump form in her throat as she watched the tender exchange between mother and son. It was a moment of pure love and devotion, one that would stay with her forever. But even as the memory faded, Yn knew that she needed to uncover the truth behind these visions. For her family, for herself, and for the brother who had promised to protect her so long ago.

As the realization sank in, Yn's mind swirled with a whirlwind of emotions. She couldn't comprehend why her family had kept such a significant truth hidden from her. The weight of the revelation settled heavily on her shoulders, leaving her feeling lost and betrayed.

"Why?" The question echoed in her mind, a desperate plea for answers that seemed to elude her grasp. Why had her family chosen to conceal the truth about her birth, about her origins? What other secrets lay buried beneath the surface, waiting to be uncovered?

With each passing moment, Yn's confusion turned to frustration, then to anger. She couldn't shake the feeling of being deceived, of being kept in the dark about something so fundamental to her identity. It gnawed at her, eating away at the trust she had once held in her family.

Yn's reflection stared back at her with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. The face that looked back at her seemed to hold a thousand secrets, each one waiting to be unveiled. She rested her hands on the cool surface of the sink, her fingers curling into fists as she glared at the mirror.

"You think you can hide the truth from me?" she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "You think I'll just accept this deception and move on?"

Her reflection remained impassive, offering no answers, no comfort. It was as if the mirror itself was complicit in the charade, taunting her with its silent gaze.

Yn's frustration boiled over, and with a sudden burst of anger, she struck the mirror with her fist. The sound of shattering glass filled the room, echoing her inner turmoil. As shards of glass scattered across the floor, Yn felt a strange sense of release, as if breaking the mirror had shattered the illusions that had clouded her mind.

Breathing heavily, Yn looked at her reflection once more, but this time, there was a steely resolve in her eyes. She may not have all the answers yet, but she was determined to find them, no matter what obstacles lay in her path.

The glow of the pendant enveloped Yn's hand, casting an eerie light in the dimly lit bathroom. With each passing moment, the intensity of the glow seemed to increase, as if the pendant itself was trying to communicate something to her.

Clutching the pendant tightly in her fist, Yn felt a surge of energy coursing through her veins. It was as if the pendant was guiding her, pulling her towards some unknown destination.

And then, in the blink of an eye, everything changed. The familiar surroundings of the bathroom faded away, replaced by an unfamiliar landscape bathed in an ethereal glow.

Yn's heart raced as she looked around, trying to make sense of her surroundings. Where was she? How had she ended up here?

As she took a hesitant step forward, the pendant in her hand pulsed with renewed energy, as if urging her to continue. With a mixture of fear and determination, Yn pressed on, knowing that whatever lay ahead, she was ready to face it. But as she looked down, the pendant was no longer in her hand, leaving her feeling more vulnerable and alone in this mysterious place.

So this is what happened with yn when she locked up🫠🫠
Hope you guys are enjoying 🥰
Make sure to comment 😊
Bye bye 👋 😘

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