PART. 12

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Y/n hurried into the school park, her heart racing with anticipation. She found her friends gathered under their usual tree and approached them with hesitant steps.

"Um, hey guys," she greeted softly, fidgeting with the strap of her bag.

Jennie looked up, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Hey there, Y/n. What's got you all flustered?"

Y/n bit her lip, feeling a blush creeping up her cheeks. "Well, um, something kind of... unexpected happened."

Jisoo arched an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. "Oh? Do tell."

Taking a deep breath, Y/n recounted her encounter with Jungkook, her words stumbling over each other in her nervousness.

"And... and then he asked if I wanted to, uh, go for coffee with him this weekend," she finished, her voice barely above a whisper.

Rosé gasped in excitement, clapping her hands together. "No way! Y/n, that's amazing!"

But Jennie leaned in closer, a knowing grin on her face. "Hang on a second. Are you blushing?"

Y/n's cheeks burned even brighter, and she shifted uncomfortably under her friend's scrutiny. "I-I don't know! Maybe... maybe it's just a friendly thing?"

Jisoo nudged her gently, a teasing glint in her eye. "Come on, Y/n. We all know you've got a soft spot for him!"

As her friends erupted into laughter, Y/n buried her face in her hands, feeling equal parts embarrassed and thrilled by the attention. Despite her shyness, the thought of spending time with Jungkook sent a flutter of excitement through her stomach.

Y/n wandered through the corridors of the school, her mind swirling with a whirlwind of thoughts. Jungkook's invitation to grab coffee replayed in her mind on an endless loop, each repetition only fueling her uncertainty.

"What if he just wants to hang out as friends?" she mused aloud, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jennie glanced at her with a reassuring smile. "Come on, Y/n. Don't overthink it. Jungkook wouldn't have asked you out if he didn't like you."

Y/n's shoulders slumped as doubt crept into her mind. "But what if he regrets it as soon as we get there? What if I say something stupid and ruin everything?"

Jisoo shook her head, stepping closer to Y/n and placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You're being too hard on yourself, Y/n. Just be yourself. That's why Jungkook likes you in the first place."

Rosé nodded in agreement. "Exactly! And even if it doesn't turn out the way you hope, at least you'll have spent time with him. It's a win-win situation!"

Despite her friends' words of encouragement, Y/n couldn't shake the nervous fluttering in her stomach. But their unwavering support gave her the strength to push aside her doubts, if only for the moment. With a grateful smile, she nodded. taking solace in her friends' words of support. "You're right. I shouldn't overthink things too much. Whatever happens, happens."

With three days left until the date, Y/n resolved to focus on enjoying the present moment and making the most of her time with her friends. And as she counted down the hours until her rendezvous with Jungkook, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement mingled with nerves.

{So here's something I didn't mention 😅:
From the beginning until the middle of Chapter 4, it's Day 1, which is Monday. From the end of Chapter 4 to Chapter 9, it's Day 2, which is Tuesday. From Chapter 10 until now, it's Day 3, which is Wednesday. So, she still has 3 more days until the coffee date, which is scheduled for Sunday.}

Time skip ;

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Y/n and her friends gathered in the courtyard, exchanging casual greetings and chatting about their day.

"Hey, Y/n! How was your last class?" Jisoo asked, falling into step beside her.

Y/n smiled, adjusting her backpack on her shoulder. "It was okay, but I'm glad it's finally over. What about you?"

Jisoo shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Eh, same old. I'm just excited for our plans later."

Their conversation caught Jennie's attention, and she joined in as they walked. "What plans are we talking about? Did I miss something?"

Rosé, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke up with a grin. "I was thinking we could head to my place to do our homework and then chill out afterwards. My parents are both out, so the house will be empty."

Y/n's eyes lit up with excitement as she nodded in agreement. "That sounds like a great idea, Rosé! We can get our work done and then relax without any distractions."

Jisoo chimed in, her expression brightening. "And we can order some food or watch a movie afterwards! It'll be like a mini party."

Jennie grinned, her enthusiasm matching that of her friends. "Count me in! I could use a break from studying."

Y/n hesitated for a moment, a thought occurring to her. "Actually, guys, I think I should call my brother and let him know where I'll be. And maybe I should text my parents too, just to be safe."

Her friends nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of keeping her family informed. After a quick call to her brother and a few text messages exchanged with her parents, Y/n felt reassured and ready to enjoy the afternoon with her friends.

With their plans set and everyone informed, the group set off towards the bus stop, eager for an afternoon of productivity and relaxation in each other's company. Little did they know that their time together would be interrupted by an unexpected turn of events, setting the stage for a plot twist that would change everything.


😊😊Hey guys!😊😊

So, how did you like today's chapter? Things are getting pretty interesting for Y/n and the gang, huh? Can't wait to see where the story takes us next!

As always, thanks a bunch for hanging out with us on this wild ride. Your thoughts and feedback mean a lot, so don't hesitate to drop them in the comments below!

Catch you all in the next chapter,
Byeeeee 🤗

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