PART. 10

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Y/n's POV

As I annoyingly woke up with the sunlight on my face, I tried to sleep a little longer. But, feeling restless, I sat up in bed and noticed Jennie sleeping peacefully beside me. She looked so innocent and angelic, like a little baby.

Carefully, I slipped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to freshen up. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I noticed the ring that my dad had given me the previous night. It felt surreal, almost like a dream. My heart skipped a beat as I thought about the significance of that moment. I patted my cheeks gently and whispered to myself, "Jung Y/n, you've got this. You can do it." With a determined smile, I stepped out of the bathroom, ready to embrace whatever challenges awaited me.

I glanced back at Jennie, still peacefully sleeping in bed. I gently woke her up and she sat up, rubbing her eyes like a true baby. I couldn't resist the temptation to shower her with love and affection. I hugged her tightly, squeezing her little frame and playfully pressing my cheeks against hers. We giggled and shared a sweet moment together. "Rise and shine, my little muffin," I whispered, eliciting more giggles from her. She nodded in agreement and made her way to the bathroom to freshen up.

Meanwhile, I headed downstairs to find my mom in the kitchen, busy preparing breakfast for everyone. With a mischievous smile, I snuck up behind her and gave her a warm hug. "Good morning, Miss Universe," I said, adding a touch of sparkle to my words. She giggled at my playful greeting, her love and warmth filling the room.

In the cozy morning hours, I found myself lending a helping hand to my mom in the kitchen. Before long, Jennie, my dear friend, joined us, adding to the joyful atmosphere. Together, we joyfully prepared the table for a delightful breakfast.

As the sun began to peek through the windows, signaling the start of a new day, my brother made his appearance, all dressed up and ready for work. With a wide smile, I greeted him, "Good morning, Oppa!" He returned my greeting while playfully ruffling my hair, uttering those cherished words, "Good morning, sunshine."

The air filled with warmth as our dad joined the scene. I couldn't help but offer him a warm greeting too, "Good morning, dad," to which he responded by planting a gentle peck on my forehead and returning my greeting with equal affection.

Soon enough, the five of us settled around the table, indulging in a delicious breakfast and engaging in heartwarming chitchat. Love and laughter intertwined with every morsel of food we savored.

Before bidding my dad farewell for the day, he seized the moment to share some wise words. Looking into my eyes, he spoke, "Y/n, remember, no matter what, always be true to yourself. I know my daughter is the strongest of them all." His words touched my heart, and I couldn't resist embracing him from behind, assuring him with a smile, "I will, Dad. Have a nice day."

With a sense of fulfillment and love, Jennie and I waved goodbye to our family, carrying their warmth and support as we embarked on our journey to school. The day ahead held endless possibilities, and with the love of my family and the presence of my dear friend, I knew that I could face anything that came my way.

As we strolled towards school, ditching the bus for some good ol' pavement pounding, we stumbled upon my go-to café. Figuring we had time to kill, we waltzed in and ordered our usual cappuccinos.

 Figuring we had time to kill, we waltzed in and ordered our usual cappuccinos

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