(After she was done answering the doctors questions, she was told to lay down with her feet up in the stirups.)

Dr. Turner: Ok Ms. Benson I will be doing a vaginal ultrasound today.

Olivia: It's that the same as a regular ultrasound?

Dr. Turner: It is but being that your early in your pregnancy, I want to get a clear view.

Olivia: Oh ok. I'm nervous this is my first one.

Dr. Turner: (pat her knee) Don't worry, you're in the best hands. Now let's see your baby and find out how far along you are.

Olivia: (exhale) Ok!

(Olivia lay back and wait for her doctor to start. She jumps at the contact but relaxes herself as she thinks about her child.)

Dr. Turner: Ok mama there's you baby.

(Olivia turns her head and look at the screen. She smiles as tears collect at the corner of her eyes.)

Olivia: Is my baby ok?

Dr. Turner: (smiles) Everything looks good and baby is growing right on time for 7 weeks.

Olivia: Oh thank god.

Dr. Turner: Would you like to hear the heartbeat?

Olivia: Yes please.

(The doctor hit a button and the room is filled with the most beautiful sound Olivia has ever heard. She chuckle a little before the tears falls down her cheeks. She wipes them as she rest her head back knowing that her baby is ok.)

Dr. Turner: Would you like some pictures?

Olivia: Yes, thank you.

Dr. Turner: No problem dear. You can get dressed while I go get you pictures and next appointment.

Olivia: Ok.

(As soon as the doctor leaves out the room, a rush of emotions runs through Olivia and a sob slip pass her lips. She brings a hand to her stomach, as she thinks about Elliot and what the hell shes going to do now. After she was giving a folded she leaves and head home to take everything in.)

Olivia: I need to call him.

(She gets up to get her cellphone and calls Elliot, but no answer. She tried a few more times and even left a few voicemails. She send him text messages begging him to call or back. After getting nothing back she decided to find some food and went straight to bed.)

(Over the next week Olivia life began to change drastically, and she felt like she could no longer hide it. Cragen had gotten two new detectives for her, Munch, and Fin to train. On top of that the morning sickness was becoming unbearable, and she had dizzy spells. She was sitting at her desk doing DD5s when Amanda came in with hotdogs.)

Amanda: Hey guys I figured since we're all stuck here I would treat everyone to some chilli dogs.

Munch: A woman after my own heart, Amanda you shouldn't have.

Fin: (grabs one) Thank Amanda.

Nick: Great I'm starving.

Amanda: Olivia you want one?

Olivia: Umm, I think I'll pass.

Munch: What the world must about to end Liv you never pass up on a hotdog.

(He gets up and goes to wave his in front of her face and the smell makes her stomach turn.)

Olivia: Munch knock it off.

Munch: What don't tell me your on a diet. I could have sworn I seen you eat a burger, fries, and an egg roll.

(He does it again and Olivia gags.)

Olivia: Dammit Munch stop.

Nick: Someone's sensitive today.

Munch: (does it again) Come on Livia.

(Olivia closes her eyes before her hand flew to her rolling stomach as she feels it at the back of her throat.)

Olivia: (gets up) Oh god!

Amanda: Ohhh.

(Olivia runs off and barely makes it to the restroom before she vomit. She cough and dry heaves as what little she ate came back up. She then heard the door open and then Amanda's voice.)

Amanda: Olivia?

Olivia: (coughs) I'm fine, I'll be out in a minute.

(Once she feels like it has passed she slowly stand up on shaky legs and walk out the stall. She goes to stand in front the mirror and for the first time notice how pale she looks. She has bags under her eyes and she just looks a mess. She rinse her mouth and walks out seeing Amanda waiting.)

Amanda: Your ok?

Olivia: Yeah, must have ate something bad.

Amanda: Your sure, you have been a little pale lately and...

Olivia: I'm ok really. It's just been a very long week that's all.

(She goes to walk away when Amanda step her.)

Amanda: Look Olivia, I know I'm new here and I'm not trying to be all in your business, but if you need someone to talk to...

Olivia: Thanks Amanda, but I'm ok.

(She walks away and makes her way up to the cribs. Munch, Fin, and Nick watch from their desks. Captain Cragen eyes his detectives before he go back into his office. An hour passed by before Olivia makes her way back downstairs and it's only the Captain in his office.)

Cragen: Liv, can you come here before you go?

Olivia: (looks up) Ok.

(She walks into his office and stands by the door.)

Cragen: How are you feeling?

Olivia: I'm fine.

Cragen: Have you heard from Elliot?

Olivia: Umm no, look Captain I want to apologize for earlier. I haven't really been feeling my best lately....

Cragen: You need a few days?

Olivia: Umm no, a few days will not take care of what I have.

(Cragen gives her a look before she sigh and take a seat in the chair. She closes her eyes as the nausea pass over her and the headache she's been having.)

Cragen: Liv your ok? You don't look so good.

Olivia: (takes a breath) Captain I need to tell you something, but I'm not ready for everyone to know yet.

Cragen: Liv what's going on?

Olivia: (lick her lips) I'm pregnant.

Cragen: (shocked) Oh Liv, umm congratulations.

(Olivia looks up and sees a her captain with a look of surprise and a hint of a smile on his face. But she knew that it was about to be wiped right off his face after she reveal the father.)

And in the beginning..There was you!!!Where stories live. Discover now