(Elliot looks at his cell seeing no missed calls or messages from Olivia. It's been an hour since he's talked to her and she was to call when she made it home. He gets a gut feeling and decides to call her and see where she is or if she's home. He gets no answer because it goes straight to voicemail. So he calls the sitter to see if she's heard from Olivia.)

Lucy: Hello.

Elliot: Hey Lucy it's Elliot.

Lucy: Hey, I was just about to call Liv to see if she was on the way.

Elliot: What she's not there?

Lucy: No, she called before her appointment but that was the last I've heard from her.

Elliot: Ok, ah I'm going to try her again, maybe her phone was dead but don't say anything to Noah.

Lucy: OK and I will call when she shows up here.

Elliot: OK, thanks, Lucy.

(Elliot hangs up and has to put his hands on his desk to take a deep breath.)

Ayanna: Hey you alright?

Elliot: I don't know. I can't get ahold of Liv she called me after the appointment to tell me she stopped at the gift shop before heading home.

Ayanna: Maybe she stopped at another store.

Elliot: No, something is not right I can feel it.

Ayanna: Have you called her squad?

Elliot: No, I'll do that right now.

(He picks up his phone and calls Fin.)

Fin: Hello.

Elliot: Fin hey.

Fin: What up man, is Liv driving herself crazy yet?

Elliot: So I take she's not there?

Fin: No, she left three hours ago to go check on the babies why?

Elliot: Her phone is going straight to voicemail and I'm freaking out.

Fin: OK, I'll get one of the guys to look into it.

Elliot: OK, I'll have Jet track her phone.

Fin: Alright keep me posted.

(He hangs up.)

Elliot: Jet I need you to track Captain Benson's cell.

Jet: On it.

(She pulls up her number and tracks it.)

Elliot: That's only a few blocks from the hospital.

Jet: Yeah and that address is an abandoned building.

Elliot: Shit I need to go.

Ayanna: I'll come with you and call for backup.

(Elliot takes out his cell calling Fin back letting him know what he found. Once he hung up they entered the hall where he punched a wall.)

Elliot: Fuck.

Ayanna: Hey you have to calm down.

Elliot: Something is wrong Ayanna.

Ayanna: Let's get to the scene and see what we find.

Elliot: (panting) I can't lose them, I can't.

Ayanna: You won't, Captain Benson is strong and she will protect those babies with everything she has.

Elliot: Yeah, but she's 36 weeks pregnant.

Ayanna: We're going to find them.

(They make it to his SUV and he pulls off with his lights on headed to Manhattan. He pulls up forty minutes later jumping out as Fin meets him.)

Elliot: What do you have?

Fin: Not much, just her cell phone hopefully it has prints on it.

Ayanna: So she was taking somewhere else.

Elliot: Call the hospital and see if they got something. She was at the gift shop there, maybe she came across someone.

(He turns and walks off.)

Ayanna: Where are you going?

Elliot: I'm going to go find my wife and kids.

(Ayanna and Fin look at each other after he says that.)

(Elliot pulls up tot the front entrance with a few officers behind him. He makes the security guard pull up the cameras. As they scan them Elliot is pacing back and forth.)

(Across town in Jersey City. Trent is sitting at a kitchen table as the news flashes across the TV. A sadistic smile forms on his face as he thinks about the pregnant woman in the basement. Cutting off the TV he goes to check to see if she's awake yet.)

(Olivia was slowly coming around as the drug wore off. Her head is foggy and it hurts. She cracks open one eye and sees she's in a poorly lit room and she's tied down. She starts to panic when she hears a door latch and then footsteps on the stairs.  Blinking her eyes trying to focus, a tall man comes into view.)

Trent: Well looks who's awake. I thought maybe I gave you too much but I guess not.

Olivia: (pulls restraints) You still have time to let me go. I'm not injured and you can still get as far away from here.

Trent: I'll do that once I'm done with you.

(He walks over to her with the look of evil on his face. Olivia tries to get loose but it's tight and starts to cut into her wrists.)

Olivia: (panicky) Please.

Trent: Sorry, no one cared when my dad pleaded for his life.

Olivia: I'm an NYPD Captain, You're not going to get away with this if you kill me.

Trent: (laughs) Do you really think I give a fuck who you are. I'm getting justice for my father and I promise you I will make him proud.

Olivia: You don't this.

Trent: (grabs her face) I'm going to make you beg for your life.

(He let her go and head back upstairs. Olivia is left trying to stay calm as she thinks about her babies. She pulls on the ropes to try and loosen them to get loose. After rubbing her wrist raw she gives up as she feels her babies move. Realizing that she can't do anything she is busy out in tears.)

(Back in Manhattan the hours tick by with no new leads as to where she could be. Elliot is dreading having to go home and tell Noah what's going on. He called his kids and they are with him but doesn't tell him. Walking through the door with a heavy heart has his emotions all over the place.)

Kathleen: Dad?

Elliot: Hey, where is everybody?

Kathleen: They are in the living room.

(She goes up and hugs her dad as he holds her tight. He tries not to break down but the events of the day take its toll. Moving around her he makes his way into the living room. He takes one look at Noah and he can't hide the pain of not knowing where Olivia is.)

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