(As she makes her way out of the hospital she stops at the little gift shop first. Her cell is to her ear as she waits for Elliot to pick up.)

Elliot: Hey mama.

Olivia: Hey Daddy.

Elliot: How did it go?

Olivia: You didn't miss much just that they have gained a pound, head down, and my cervix is very soft.

Elliot: Wow sounds like they are ready.

Olivia: God I hope so, but Doctor Patton said that it could stay that way up until the due date.

Elliot: You're on the way home?

Olivia: Yeah, I stopped at this gift shop just before I left the hospital. I've seen these cute little onesies, so I had to have them.

Elliot: (chuckle) What's one more piece of clothing? Hey bae we just caught a lead, I'll see you when I get home, and maybe I'll give you that body massage.

Olivia: (snort) Now you know it never ends at the massage.

Elliot: That's what I'm counting on.

Olivia: God you're such a man.

Elliot: Yeah, a who loves his woman?

Olivia: I love you too, see you tonight.

Elliot: OK, call me when you get home.

Olivia: I will now get back to work before Bell have your ass.

Elliot: I am hiding in the bathroom, so I'm good. Besides, there is someone else ass I'm trying to have.

Olivia: (laughs) Goodbye Elliot!

Elliot: Bye.

(She hangs up shaking her head at the father of her children. She walks around for a few more minutes before she heads to the next rack. As she's walking she notices a guy looking at her before he nods and smiles.)

Trent: Hi.

Olivia: Hello.

Trent: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare you just remind me of my sister.

Olivia: Oh.

Trent: This is your first? I'm Trent by the way.

(He holds out his hand to shake hers.)

Olivia: Olivia, and no my second. What about you?

Trent: My wife is here, it's our fourth. I'm here right now because she threatened to have me castrated if I ever come near her again.

Olivia: (eyes wide) Oh my, I'm sure she didn't mean that. We can say some of the meanest things while in labor but we don't mean it.

Trent: Yeah, well I'm not going to hold you up. It was really nice meeting you Olivia and congrats on your bundle of joy.

Olivia: Nice meeting you Trent and congratulations on your bundle of joy as well.

(She smiles and then finishes shopping before she heads to check out. The lady hands her the bag and she walks out making her way to the garage. Getting off the elevator on her floor she realizes how deserted it is and barely lit. She stops behind the SUV to dig for her keys at the bottom of her purse. Just as she has them she hears a noise from behind her and then something sharp against her back.)

Trent: Don't scream.

Olivia: What do you want?

Trent: (shoves her) Shut up.

(Before she could say anything else he hits her in the head with the butt of his gun. Olivia blacks out as he holds her up while he grabs her keys and opens the back door. He lifts her up and drapes her across the seat before he pushes her the rest of the way in. He tosses his bag in, closes the door goes to get in the driver seat, starts it, and drives off.)

(He looks back to make sure she's still out as he finds a more secluded area to tie her up. With luck on his side, he finds an abandoned building parked at the back and gets out. As he's opening the door he hears Olivia moan as she's coming too.)

Olivia: (opens eyes) Mmmm.

Trent: Oh you're awake.

Olivia: (looks at him) What's going on? Why are you doing this?

Trent: Shut up and be a good girl.

(He gets in the back seat as Olivia tries to get her barrings to move away from him.)

Olivia: Get the hell away from me.

Trent: Be still and I won't hurt you or your baby.

(At that moment Olivia's mind is in survival mode thinking of her babies.)

Olivia: (grunts) Please you don't have to do this. I have money, and jewelry just please don't hurt us.

(Out of nowhere he backhands her across the face and she gasps bringing her hand to the spot.)

Trent: You talk too fucking much. Give me your hands, I don't need to try to escape.

Olivia: (tears fall) Please, I'm 36 weeks pregnant.

Trent: Oh how nice. I don't give a shit about you being 36 weeks pregnant. You took something from me and I'm going to make you pay.

Olivia: I don't even know who you are. What is this about, I'm sure we can work something out whatever it is.

Trent: (punches her) I said shit the fuck up bitch. No one listened to him when he said he was innocent and you still put him away.

Olivia: (dazed) Who?

Trent: Remember Eric Plummer? He was my father who was put in prison for a crime he didn't do. He was tortured, beaten, and raped to death. My father had to have a closed casket because they beat him so badly.

Olivia: I'm sorry.

Trent: Sorry isn't going to cut it. Now be a good girl, and I promise I will leave your body so your family to find you.

(Olivia struggles as he pulls out a syringe and pricks her in the neck. Olivia's eyes roll to the back of her head as she goes limp. He duck tape her mouth and feet before he gets back in the front and tosses her phone out the window. He gets on the bridge, and heads out of Manhattan.)

(An hour has passed and Olivia never made it home, but that's not uncommon. Elliot was at work interrogating a suspect waiting for Olivia to call once she got home. After getting no where with the perp, he exit and goes to his desk to check his cell.)

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