(Elliot makes his way to the living room where his kids are, huddled around Noah. He gets up when he sees Elliot and walks up to him.)

Noah: Where is my mom? She was supposed to be home hours ago?

Elliot: Come here bud.

(Noab walks to him as Elliot kneels down to his level. He grasps his arms as he tries to come up with a way to tell him what happened. His kids decide to give them some privacy, so they bid their goodbyes.)

Kathleen: Dad call us if you need us.

Elliot: OK, thanks for coming to be with him.

Kathleen: Amyrime dad, were family.

(Once they were gone he moved Moah over to the sofa and sat down with him in front of him.)

Elliot: Come sit Noah.

Noah: (lip quivers) No, just tell me where is she?

Elliot: She was taken from the hospital after her doctor's appointment.

Noah: Someone kidnapped her?

Elliot: Yeah, but we're trying everything we can to find her and the babies.

(He watches the emotion run through him before he falls into him wrapping his arms around his neck. He holds the young boy as sobs wreck his small body.)

Noah: Elliot?

Elliot: Yeah buddy.

Noah: Will you find them and bring them

(He pulls back.)

Elliot: (sad smile) Yes I'm going to find them and I'm going to bring them home.

Noah: You promise?

Elliot: I promise Noah.

(Noah buries his face in his neck and just relaxes against him for a few minutes.)

Noah: Elliot?

Elliot: Hmmm.

Noah: Can I ask you something?

Elliot: Sure anything.

Noah: Are you going to marry my mom?

Elliot: Yes, I would love to marry your mom, soon if she'll let me.

Noah: (sniffles) She loves you and you make her happy. It's always been just us Bensons, but if you get married then she and the babies will be Stablers.

(Elliot notices his hesitation.)

Elliot: What is it, buddy?

Noah: (wipes his tears) It's just that I'm going to be the only Benson. I've never had a dad and I don't really remember Mommy's last boyfriend all that much.

Elliot: Noah you can ask me anything.

Noah: I was kind of hoping that one day you will be my dad too. You do all the things dads do with their kids, and mom is really happy.

Elliot: Is that what you really want Noah?

Noah: Yes.

Elliot: (smiles) I'll be honored to be your dad, Noah. When I marry Mom, that will include you too bud.

Noah: OK, I'm really glad you're here.

Elliot: Me too, now how about you try to get some rest? I need to be to go and find Mom and the twins. Lucy is on her way to stay with you until I bring them home ok?

Noah: ok, but can I sleep in your bed? It makes me feel closer to my mom because the pillows smell like her.

Elliot: Of course, why don't you go change and I'll be in to tuck you in.

Noah: Kay.

(Noah moves to hug him again before he goes to change and gets into his mom's bed. Lucy shows up right after he is asleep to stay with him until this nightmare is over.)

Elliot: Lucy thanks again for doing this.

Lucy: It's my pleasure, Olivia is my family too.

Elliot: I'll call as soon as I have something. There's extra cash in the guest room for anything you guys need.

Lucy: Got it, now go the sooner you find them the sooner they will be home.

(Elliot hugs her and then grabs his keys and heads back to the precinct. He walks in and sees a team of people running around.)

Elliot: What do we have?

Bruno: We have video footage from the parking garage and the gift shop.

Amanda: It looks like she held a conversation with some guy. It looks like he was watching her before she caught him and he kindly introduced himself.

Elliot: It's him.

Fin: That's what I figured.

Elliot: My guess is he's been following her. He waited until she was vulnerable and incapable of defending herself, son of a bitch.

Jet: I'm clearing up the footage to see if anyone recognizes him.

Elliot: (pacing) We need to find them fast. She can go into labor any moment.

Fin: Hey don't think like that man.

Elliot: It's been two days Fin.

(Back in Jersey City Olivia had finally gotten loose of her restraints. She walks around looking for a way out or something sharp to use. As she's searching for a contraction its her causing her to stop for a moment.)

Olivia: (breath out) It's just a false contraction, no way I'm having these babies here.

(She looks around some more before she gives uo and goes to sit on the bed. She's not sure how long it's been but she hears a door slam. She slips her hand back in the ropes and pretends she's sleeping. A few minutes later she hears the basement door open and his footsteps.)

Trent: Olivia?

(She says nothing.)

Trent: Are you still sleeping at this time of day?

(He walks closer to her and brings a hand up to move hair from her face. Getting no response he pulls his hand back and slaps her.)

Olivia: (yelps) Ahhh!

Trent: It's time to wake up, I'm sure you're hungry.

Olivia: I want to go home.

Trent: Not happening.

Olivia: What will your wife say about this?

Trent: Whi said I had a wife?

Olivia: You did at the hospital before you kidnapped me.

Trent: I lied, I just said that to get your attention, and it worked some cop you are.

Olivia: (licks her lips) Can I have some water?

Trent: What will you do for me?

Olivia: What do you mean?

Trent: I think you should work for water or food. I mean just because you are pregnant doesn't mean it doesn't work right. Besides I heard pregnant women are the best because of their hormones.

(Olivia gives him a disgusted look as she watches his eyes travel over her body. She lay there taking deep breaths as she saw his hand land on her thigh. Her heart rate skyrocketed as his hand crept higher and squeezed.)

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