(As she sits there and watches him she drinks the rest of her wine. Instead of saying anything he just pulls her into him and hugs her tight.)

Olivia: So you have nothing to say?

Elliot: Nope, if they treated you well then I'm happy. I've always wanted you to be happy Liv, whether that was with me or someone else.

Olivia: (kisses him) I am happy. Are you happy?

Elliot: I've dreamed of this moment Liv. To be able to love you, kiss you, and hold you and now finally I can do that.

Olivia: You don't feel guilty?

Elliot: I did when I realized feeling for you but I don't anymore. I loved Kathy but I wasn't in love with her for a long time. You know before her death, we had a talk about getting a divorce. We both knew we weren't happy and I think she was already talking to someone.

Olivia: No?

Elliot: Yeah, I heard her on the phone when she thought I was working late.

Olivia: Did you tell her?

Elliot: No, and by then how could I get mad when my heart belonged to someone else?

(He gives her a look before she blushes.)

Olivia: You always had my heart to El.

Elliot: (chuckle) We are so hopeless.

Olivia: Fear.

Elliot: So Harris and the two serious relationships, what's next?

Olivia: I think that's all for tonight. I'm drained and could use a hot bath and some rest.

Elliot: Mind if I join you?

Olivia: Maybe another night.

Elliot: Well can I hold you tonight?

Olivia: You better.

(As days went by they enjoyed time with each other and sightseeing. It was late afternoon and Olivia decided to go sit by the beach. She was reading and sipping on her favorite wine when Elliot walked up.)

Elliot: Enjoying the cool breeze?

Olivia: I am, the air is so fresh.

(He sits down next to her and looks over at what she is reading.)

Elliot: Hopeless romantic.

Olivia: You're just reading what you see, it's more explicit than you think.

Elliot: Oh yeah, tell me something you read already.

(She gives him a devious grin.)

Olivia: Already, so far I've read one chapter about two people who were passionately in love. They couldn't be together because of her family but they found a way anyway. Well, it started as a romantic date ducked off somewhere by a beach. The guy decided that he was going to set up a candlelight dinner in a secluded spot. There he wined and dined her, feeding her strawberries as he kissed her. One thing led to another and let me just say that he rocked her world until she couldn't see straight.

Elliot: Hmm sounds very intimate.

Olivia: Yeah too bad things like that only happen in movies or books.

Elliot: You don't believe it could happen in reality?

Olivia: I'm just saying, nothing is that perfect.

Elliot: Well maybe you haven't been wined and dined properly. When was the last time a man made you feel amazing?

Olivia: (laughs) I'm not about to answer that.

Elliot: Come on, were sharing remember? I want to know how your likes and dislikes when it comes to the bedroom.

Olivia: (gives him a look) I know it's been a long time since we've done it. I'm sure you know my likes and dislikes when it comes to being intimate El.

Elliot: That was different back then. We were two people who were hurting and all over the place then. I want to know what you like right now, and I mean everything.

Olivia: Mmm well let's get through the last two things I need to tell you and see how it goes.

Elliot: OK, just tell me when.

Olivia: Tonight, I want to get it all out tonight so we can enjoy the next week enjoying each other.

(Eith that she smiles at him seductively before she leans over and captures his lips. He deepens it as his hand slides through her hair caressing her scalp. Liv moans into the kiss as he slips his tongue in her mouth. They make out for a few minutes until the need for air and he pulls back.)

Elliot: Wow!

Olivia: (dreamy-eyed) You can say that again. Come on let's head back so we can maybe order some food and sit by the fireplace again.

Elliot: (smirks) After you my lady.

(They grabbed everything she brought out and headed back to their beach house. By seven they both had a shower and were dressed comfortably for the last part of her truth. She comes out of the bedroom with a locked box and a bottle of tequila with two shot glasses. Elliot gives her a look but doesn't say anything just gives her a nod.)

Olivia: OK, all we need is the food. I got tequila because I figured we could do a few shots to loosen up a bit. I will need this to be able to get through these next two truths. So please don't judge me or interrupt me when it becomes too much. I need to get this over with so I can finally move on.

Elliot: OK, I'm here you know that.

Olivia: I do, even when I have nightmares.

Elliot: Even then.

Olivia: OK, whew!

Elliot: Just relax and whenever you need to stop it's ok.

(Olivia comes and sits down next to Elliot on the floor where he made a soft pallet for them. Olivia fixed them a shot and they downed it before she poured her another. She closed her eyes to inhale and exhale before she told her story.)

Olivia: Umm in 2013 this case came in about a flasher in Central Park. Amanda was walking her dog when two young women started shouting. Well, long story short the guy tried to run but was caught and brought to the precinct. Amanda got a funny feeling and called all of them in on our off-day, turns out it was more than just him flashing women. The guy had no fingerprints, he had burned them off. Days passed and we get a call, one of the witnesses a 77-year-old woman was raped. When we got there she told us that it was Lewis. He had tortured her for nineteen hours, burned her, branded her, beat and raped her. My partner Nick and I interrogated him and he told me detail by detail what she did to her. Let's just say I was disgusted and needed a hot shower. She ended up dying from a heart attack days after the first trial and even worse the evidence was cross-contaminated. I was so upset, there was a mistrial and the Captain made me go home for two days. When I made it home I heard a noise and I thought it was Brian. I went to go see and the next thing a gun was in my face. I froze before he grabbed me and dragged me to my bedroom. To this day I still don't know how he got into my apartment.

(She continues to tell him her story about how he burned her with cigarettes, keys, and a wired hanger. She told him she was forced to take pills, alcohol, and some things she didn't remember.)

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