(Once he's calm he places a kiss to her neck breathing in her scent. As bad as she wants to kiss him she doesn't because they are not alone. Pulling back he rests his elbows on his knees and rubs his head.)

Elliot: This is a fucking mess.

Olivia: Yeah, but it needed to be done.

Elliot: Fine time to do it. My grandkids and Noah are in there and now they will be scared to come near me.

Olivia: (smiles) I doubt that.

Elliot: Liv you have to know that this is not how I wanted this night to go.

Olivia: (bumps his shoulder) I know, but no family is perfect.

Elliot: (smirks) No, and this is my crazy family.

Olivia: You ready to go back in?

Elliot: No really, I have some other things on my mind.

Olivia: (give him a look) Oh I don't think so mister.

Elliot: Why not, that was hot as fuck the way you handled me.

Olivia: (smirks) Well I do know how to handle you very well.

(She runs a hand down his chest until it lands on the bulge in his pants.)

Elliot: (groans) See now you're trying to start something we can't finish.

Olivia: Maybe you can come over later tonight, and you can take all this frustration out on me.

Elliot: (gets up) Let's get these people out of my house.

Olivia: (laughs) You're a mess, Elliot Stabler.

Elliot: Yeah, but I'm your mess.

(They make it back inside and see that most of the mess is cleaned up. His grandkids run up to him and he hugs them ruffling their hair. He stands up and sees Randall coming towards him.)

Randall: Hey I'm sorry man.

Elliot: Me too, but why didn't you tell me what happened?

Randall: I promised mama.

Elliot: Got it.

(Olivia goes to the kitchen to help Bernie while Noah moves up to him. Everyone watches the interaction between the two of them.)

Noah: Elliot are you ok?

Elliot: (bends down) Yeah bud I'm ok now. You know your mom makes everything better.

Noah: (smiles) She is really good at that.

Elliot: Yes she is.

(Elliot looks over to Olivia and she gives him a small smile. Kathleen bumps her sister and tilts her head toward her dad.)

Kathleen: I think something is going on between them.

Maureen: Maybe, but we should wait another time for that.

Kathleen: Agreed.

Dickie: What are you two whispering about?

Kathleen: Nothing dickward.

Dickie: Whatever cocobean.

(Back to Noah and Elliot.)

Noah: Your hand is red.

Elliot: Yeah I hurt it a little.

Noah: (takes his hand) Maybe Mommy can make it better. She's really good at fixing boo-boos, she can kiss it better.

And in the beginning..There was you!!!Where stories live. Discover now