(Four more months has passed and at 36 weeks pregnant, Olivia is irritable, and tired. Today is her last day before maternity leave and they was in the middle of a high profile rape case. A missing three year old girl who's mother was raped and killed. Olivia has been very emotional and focused on finding the little girl before its to late.)

(She was in her office rubbing her bump as a Braxton hicks hits her. She hiss as the cramp subside before she looks over witnesses notes. As she was going over them her phone beeped letting her know she has a message. She looks down and sees its from Elliot and smile as she remembers this morning.)

Elliot text: "Hey babe, I'm sorry I will not be able to meet you at the doctor's appointment. We got a big case and it's all hands on deck."

Olivia text: "Hey, it's ok. I just getting my cervix exam to see if anything happening. I'm just so ready to have them, hold them, and love on them."

Elliot text: "😂😂 Me too, I pray our daughter is all you. What's one more to have me wrapped around her finger."

Olivia text: "😂🥰 I love you and I will call you after I leave the doctor, will see you at home."

Elliot text: "I love you more, I'll pick up dinner just let me know what you want."

Olivia text: "Ok, XO!"

Elliot text: "XO."

(Olivia places her phone in her purse as she packs up for the day to start her leave. As she walks out of the office she is greeted by her squad.)

Olivia: OK everyone listen up. I'm officially on maturity leave, so Fin will be in charge whenever I get back. Feel free to text me or call only if its important, or if someone is dead.

Curry: (makes a face) Now Olivia.

Olivia: I'm just kidding, but seriously only if it's an emergency. I will see you all in a few months, I have the files from this case I will be looking over at home.

Fin: Liv you're supposed to rest.

Olivia: I am going to rest but I still want to close this case and bring a three-year-old home to her family.

Fin: Hey let me walk you out.

(With that being said, they walk to the elevators.)

Olivia: So what will you do for four months while I'm out?

Fin: I got this Liv. I've been preparing myself for this moment and thanks to you I have a full house.

Olivia: You're sure you will be alright? You know Curry could help you if it becomes too overwhelming.

Fin: I'm good, you just focus on bringing my godkids here happy and healthy.

Olivia: (smiles) Hopefully soon, I'll talk to you later and Fin don't hesitate to call.

Fin: Got it, Captain.

(She gives him a hug before she gets in her SUV to head to her doctor's appointment. She had to park in the garage because there were no parking spots in front of the hospital. Once inside she waits for a few minutes before she is called back. In the room, she undresses from the waist down and sits on the bed.)

Doctor Patton: Good afternoon Olivia.

Olivia: Hey Doctor Patton.

Doctor Patton: How are you feeling? Anything has changed since two weeks ago?

Olivia: I've been good except for the Braxton hicks once a day.

Doctor Patton: OK, well let's have a look and see if your cervix is softening and check on the babies.

Olivia: OK.

(Olivia lies back and puts her feet in the stirrups. She gasped a little feeling Doctor Patton's fingers check her.)

Doctor Patton: Well it seems like one baby is head down. Your cervix is really soft and it might be open just a 1/2 cm but it could stay like that fit the next four weeks.

Olivia: That's good I guess. But if they are as stubborn as their father, they might come after my due date.

Doctor Patton: Oh I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. You have actually passed the mark, most twins come between 32 and 35 weeks. Now let's get some pictures of the little ones and see if they both head down.

(Olivia takes her feet down and waits for Doctor Patton to start the ultrasound. She squirts the gel on the wand before placing it on her belly.)

Olivia: (gets emotional) Aww look at them.

Doctor Patton: They have gained a pound and both are in the down position, this is great. The space is limited in there, so I know the aches you are feeling.

Olivia: (makes a face) I will give it two more weeks because the word comfortable is not in my vocabulary right now.

Doctor Patton: (laughs) Trust me I know, these are the worst times of pregnancies. It feels like everything is only getting bigger and you can't do anything.

Olivia: Elliot had to put my shoes on this morning and let's not talk about the other things he's done.

Doctor Patton: Looks like you have a good man, I can tell how much he loves the three of you.

Olivia: Yeah, I'm a very lucky woman.

Doctor Patton: OK we are done here. I will print out these pictures and give you your appointment. I will start seeing you every week now that you're four weeks away from your due date. Have you taken your maturity leave yet, or???

Olivia: Yes, today was my last day and I can't wait to get home and get ready for them. My stepkids and his mom are giving me a baby shower this weekend. I've already started receiving gifts from all over.

Doctor Patton: Oh my I can only imagine how overwhelming you are going to be trying to figure out where it's all going to go.

Olivia: (chuckle) Right, but thank god we're moving into a bigger place that will suit everyone.

Doctor Patton: Congratulations on everything, you get dressed and I'll be right back.

(She leaves out giving Olivia some privacy as she gets the pictures. She makes it back and hands it to Olivia and wishes her well. Olivia takes out her phone to call Elliot and tell him what the doctor said.)

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