(Two more hours passed and everyone was beyond frustrated and tired. Olivia had called to talk to Noah before bed and he was sad he couldn't be there. Olivia was just about to go see what was still taking so long when the doctor walked out.)

Doctor: Family of Elliot Stabler?

(Olivia, Ayanna, and his family all stood up giving the doctor a look.)

Olivia: What took so long, and is he ok?

Bernie: How's my son?

Ayanna: Will he make a full recovery?

Doctor: OK hold on. Is there an Olivia Benson here?

Olivia: That's me, and it's Captain Benson. Is he going to be ok?

Doctor: Yes, he is expected to make a full recovery. One of the bullets hit a major artery, but we stopped it in time. His left shoulder gave us the most problems, but with physical therapy he should be back to normal. I got him moved to a more private room, but he is still under anesthesia, so he will be out for at least another few hours.

Kids: Can we see him?

Doctor: Yes, but only for a few minutes and I'm only allowing one person to stay overnight.

Bernie: I can stay.

Kathleen: No grandma.

Bernie: What he's my son.

(Olivia looks around.)

Olivia: It's up to you guys to choose who can stay, and maybe you all can rotate.

Maureen: I think that's the best idea. I say Olivia you stay tonight and we can go from there.

Olivia: What? No, I don't want to overstep anyone. He's your father and you guys should be here with him.

Kathleen: Your his partner Livia.

(Fin and Ayanna look at one another and roll their eyes.)

Dickie: Maureen is right. Now that we know dad is ok, we can all go home and rest. Olivia will call if something is to change, right Olivia.

Olivia: Yes, but only if it's ok with everyone that I stay.

Kathleen: We're ok with it. You are the only one we trust who will have his back like always.

(Olivia smile and hugs the kids and Bernie before they go see Elliot and then leave. Fin and Ayanna peak in on him for a few minutes and got ready to leave.)

Fin: Liv you want me to take your car or..

Olivia: I'm not going anywhere, you can take it.

Fin: I'll be back in the morning with breakfast.

Olivia: Thanks Fin, you're the best.

Fin: I got your back.

Ayanna: Goodnight Captain, and make sure my detective pulls through.

Olivia: Always!

(Once they were gone Olivia takes his hand in hers and squeezes it. She sit there for an hour just watching him until her back started to hurt.)

Olivia: Elliot you scared the hell out of me. After you recover from this, no more undercover work for you. I don't know if I can take another visit to the hospital because you want to be an hero. I have so much to tell you, but I'm so scared of how you're going to react. Elliot I don't want to be afraid anymore about my feelings for you. I want us to go away somewhere and just talk about everything and I promise I won't runaway.

(She place her head against it just to feel the warmth and a few tears fall. She sits there as long as she could before she end up falling to sleep. She wakes up to something caressing her face and she leans into it.)

Elliot: (voice hoarse) Liv?

Olivia: (eyes snap open) El?

Elliot: (smile) Hi.

Olivia: (stand up) God El you scared the hell out of me.

Elliot: Yeah, well imagine how I felt.

Olivia: You can't keep doing this El, your family needs you. You are all they have left and you being this reckless is just insane.

Elliot: (groan) Can I get some pain meds before you rip me a new one please.

Olivia: (smirk) Fine, you're lucky you're in pain, or I would kick your ass myself.

Elliot: (smirks) Maybe later.

Olivia: Your such an ass.

(She press the button for a nurse as she chats with Elliot. She grabs his hand and squeezes when he talk about what happened.)

Elliot: Those girls Liv. They reminded me so much of my girls and I just could not do nothing.

Olivia: I know, you're a good man El.

Elliot: El, wow you haven't called me that in a long time.

Olivia: Yeah well, I missed you.

Elliot: I missed you too.

(The nurse knock and then comes in to see what did he need. She checked his bandages and gave him a pain pill. After ten minutes it started to kick in and his eyes started to droop.)

Olivia: Sleep El, I'm not going anywhere.

Elliot: Your going to be here when I wake?

Olivia: Yes, now sleep.

Elliot: Yes mom.

(She laughs and shake her head. He still has a grip on her hand as he brings it to his lips and kiss it.)

Olivia: Elliot?

Elliot: Huh.

Olivia: Nothing.

(She makes sure he's comfortable and sleep before she too gives into exhaustion. It is morning when she is brought out of slumber by voices.)

Elliot: Morning Liv.

Olivia: Morning, what time is it?

Doctor: A little after seven.

Olivia: Oh I need to call my son. Excuse me!

(She gets up and moves to get her cell and walks out in the hall. As she's on the phone, the doctor turns back to Elliot.)

Doctor: So is she single?

Elliot: Excuse me?

Doctor: Captain Benson, is she seeing anyone?

Elliot: Ummm not that I know of. Why?

Doctor: She's an attractive woman, and I was going to ask her out.

Elliot: Yeah well, you're wasting your time.

Doctor: How come, I don't see a ring so I figured she's single.

Elliot: She is, but she's spoken for.

Doctor: (gives him a look) Oh I get it.

Elliot: So how does my wounds look?

Doctor: They still have to heal, but with rest and less movement you should be good to go in two weeks tops. Now your shoulder is a different story, you will need at least four weeks of physical therapy. You want to gain your strength back in that shoulder and hand.

(The doctor finish changing Elliot's bandages, and checking his vitals when Olivia comes back. Elliot watches as the doctor says something to Olivia and she laughs. He leaves out and she turns to see Elliot giving her a look.)

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