(When she got home she had about twenty missed calls and ten messages from Elliot. There were also a few from Kathleen and Maureen. Instead, she sent him a message saying to leave them alone and that she couldn't do this anymore.)

(Elliot has finally decided to give her space after his calls have gone unanswered. Her mood at work made everyone around walk on eggshells. She was in her office when Fin knocked before he opened the door.)

Fin: Hey can I talk to you for a minute?

Olivia: If it's not about a case then no.

Fin: Actually it's about you snapping at everyone for no reason. They are out there walking on eggshells because they don't know how to approach you. No, I don't know what's going on, I'm guessing it's something to do with a bald hothead who has been blowing my phone up for the past two weeks.

Olivia: Fin I'm sorry for dragging you into this.

Fin: What's going on?

Olivia: I broke up with Elliot.

Fin: Ill kick his ass what did he do?

Olivia: It wasn't him, more like his kids hating my guts.

Fin: Which one?

Olivia: Eli, he called me a homewrecking whore.

Fin: Wow, I know Stabler wanted to choke him.

Olivia: (sigh) I'm just too old for this Fin. I know what was bound to happen once we told them but I wasn't expecting that. I'm not trying to replace their mother in any way. Maybe this was a sign that I was expecting too much and would always be alone.

Fin: Bullshit, if anyone deserves to be happy is you. That spoiled brat will come around because we both know Stabler is not giving up this easily.

(Olivia puts her head down as fatigue takes over her.)

Olivia: I'm so tired, this case is dragging and I just want to go home to my son and sleep until Sunday.

Fin: We are getting close and once it's close I want you to go home and do just that I got it here.

Olivia: Fin I couldn't ask you to do that.

Fin: You didn't I offered.

Olivia: You are too kind.

Fin: Look everything will work out between you and Elliot.

(He gets up before patting her arm and leaves. Olivia sits there holding the compass he gave her as she thinks back to that day. By ten that night she was at home with her son and she couldn't be more happy.)

(Another two weeks has passed and work for Olivia has been nonstop. She hasn't had a day off in a month because of a missing child. Besides that, her body has been off and instead of taking care of herself, she puts others' needs before hers. She and Elliot still wasn't talking because she hasn't answered him still.)

(She was at work looking through the files on the missing girl when a wave of nausea hits her. She hurries and grab the trash can next to her desk before it comes up. Gagging and coughing her stomach finally settles as she sits up. Feeling thirsty she gets up but grasp the desk when dizziness hits her. Fighting against it she stands straight and takes a few steps when all of a sudden she feels light headed and pass out. As she falls her head hits the side of her desk with a thump as she crumbles to the floor.)

(In the bullpen Fin and Captain Curry was going over the case when they finally broke the case.)

Fin: We should go tell Liv what we've found.

Captain Curry: Your sure, she really hasn't been herself lately.

Fin: She would want to know we finally got a lead on a case she's been stressing over for the past month.

(They make they way to her door and knock but gets no response. Not really caring Fin opens the door but freeze seeing Liv on the floor.)

Fin: Curry call for a bus now.

Captain Curry: Oh my god.

(He runs to her and kneels next to her as he hear Captain Curry call for a bus. He touches her face to try and wake her but nothing. He sees blood where she's lying and he really starts to panic.)

Fin: I think she hit her head on her desk.

Captain Curry: Ambulance are on the way.

Fin: Liv come on babygirl I need you to wake up.

Captain Curry: Caption Benson can you hear me. We can't move her she could have hurt her neck when she fell.

Fin: (cusses) Fuck, Stabler is going to kill me.

Captain Curry: So they are really a thing?

Fin: Yeah, but don't tell anyone.

(Hearing voices Olivia moans and tries to open her eyes but her head is killing her.)

Fin: Liv open your eyes.

Olivia: (groan) Head hurts.

Captain Curry: I know, you hit it on your desk.

(She starts mumbling but they can't make out what she's saying. Fin tries to get her to focus but her head is hurting too bad. Just before the paramedics come in she passes out again.)

Fin: Hurry up.

Paramedics: How long has she been like this?

Captain Curry: We don't know, we were out there working a case when we came to tell her about a lead.

Fin: She was mumbling but her words wasn't clear.

Captain Curry: She was only conscious for a few minutes before she slipped under again.

Paramedic: Ok, we need to get her stable before we can move her.

(The paramedics checks her vitals and head wound. The look on his face wasn't good and it was cause for concern.)

Fin: What's wrong?

Paramedic: This a pretty nasty head wound. We need to move her fast before her heart rate drops any lower.

Fin: Fuck, I need to call Stabler.

Captain Curry: You ride with her I'll inform everyone else and catch up with you.

Fin: Ok, hey I'm coming with her.

(As he race behind them as he takes out his phone to call Elliot. He picks up just as they get into the elevator as people watched.)

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