(A month has passed since that night and it has brought them closer than ever. He was having a family gathering at his place and he invited Liv and Noah. His brothers were in town because they needed to discuss where Bernie was going to live.)

(Everyone was out in the living room talking and telling stories about their childhood. Elliot was in the kitchen with his mother sorting out the food to set the table.)

Bernie: So you're finally dating huh?

Elliot: Mom what are you talking about?

Bernie: Don't play dumb with me boy, I've noticed a change in you since you've been back.

Elliot: What makes you think I'm dating someone? I haven't brought anyone here and I haven't been on a date.

Randall: Who's got a date?

Bernie: Elliot.

Elliot: Mama.

Randall: Oh really, what's her name?

Elliot: I'm not dating anyone.

Bernie: What about that partner of yours? She's such a lovely young woman and she always scared the pants off Kathy.

(Gasps was heard from the living room.)

Elliot: Mother.

Bernie: What she did and she does not play when it comes to anything concerning you or those kids. How do you think Kathleen got the help she needed?

Elliot: (confused) Mama what are you talking about?

(At this Kathleen gets up and walks over to her grandma.)

Kathleen: Grandma come on let's go sit down.

Elliot: No what you meant by Kathleen getting the hell she needed?

Bernie: It was Olivia.

(Shocked he just looks at his mother as Kathleen sighs.)

Kathleen: Grandma we promised.

Bernie: Yeah I know but I'm tired of secrets. Your father needs to know how much his partner fought to help you get better Kathleen.

(Elliot had to sit down and try to wreck his brain all those years ago.)

Kathleen: Great now he's broken.

Elliot: (looks at his mom) You showed her pictures didn't you? I remember her saying how cute I was as a carrot.

Bernie: She called me, don't know how she got my number, but I can say she is very convincing. So I agreed to meet with her and I'm glad I did or Kathleen wouldn't have gotten the help she needed.

(Still in shock, Kathleen walks up to her father taking his hands.)

Kathleen: Dad it's true. She brought grandma to see me and if it wasn't for them I probably would still be struggling. Livia always cared for us even when some of us didn't want her to. So please don't be mad at her for what she did for me. because in the end I'm who I am today because of her and of course my family.

Elliot: (hugs her) I'm not mad just shocked and I feel a way because she didn't tell me.

Kathleen: Well she felt like you would be mad if she told you.

Elliot: So she went behind my back instead.

(At that moment a knock sounded at the door.)

And in the beginning..There was you!!!Where stories live. Discover now