(Olivia is trying to stay calm as she feels him lean towards her. He nuzzles his face against her thigh placing a kiss there. She jumps as a flashback hits her causing her to hyperventilate.)

Olivia: Please don't.

Trent: Oh come on you can't tell me you don't want to. I can feel you shivering from me touching your thigh.

Olivia: You don't want to do this Trent.

Trent: Oh but I think I do. Your skin is so soft and warm, and you still smell good. This can do us both good and maybe if it's good I'll keep you around.

(His hand moves jigging to her inner thigh as he moves to place a kiss on the top of her breasts. While he is distracted, Olivia brings her hands down and punches him in the side of the face. Surprised he hollers before moving and she hits him again before she gets up.)

Trent: You bitch.

(She moves as fast as she can to pick up the stick he places by the steps to hit him with. She turns and sees him coming towards her and swings hitting him in the side.)

Olivia: Stay back.

Trent: (holds his side) Im going to fucking kill you.

(She breathes heavily and tries to concentrate on Trent and not the pain from a contraction. She takes a step up the stairs as she backs up to watch him.)

Olivia: Don't come any closer.

Trent: You're not going to make it out alive. When I get my hands on you I'm going to do you like they did my dad.

Olivia: (hiss in pain) Your father might not have committed that crime, but he was still a predator. I will kill you before I let you even think you can touch me.

(This pisses him off and he charges towards her just as another contraction rolls through her. Just as she was about to swing his shoulder collided with her chest sending them both down. Olivia yells out in pain as she hits the stairs falling to the floor.)

(Trent gets up and walks around her like a beast hunting its prey. Olivia gasps in pain as she feels her babies move from distress. He kicks her twice in her back before he turns her and punches her in the face.)

Trent: What was that you were saying?

Olivia: (panting) Stop, please stop.

Trent: That's right beg bitch.

(He goes to hit her again just as she brings the stick up and wraps him in the head with all her strength. Dazed he falls over trying to stop the room from spinning. She slowly gets up holding her baby bump as she brings it over his head again. She keeps hitting him until blood is spattered everywhere and he stops moving.)

(She drops the stick and backs away as another contraction hits her full force.

Olivia: (groans) Oh god please not now.

(She waits until the pain goes away to make her way up the stairs. She had just locked the door when she was hit with another one. Doubling over she grips her belly as she screams in pain. Scared and alone she spots his cell phone on the coffee table.)

(Breathing in and out she makes her way over and picks it up as she lowers herself to the floor. She opens it and almost faints as she sees it has service and quickly pinch in Elliot's number.)

(Back in Manhattan, Elliot and the team were still following leads when his cell rang. Thinking it was one of the kids she answered without looking to see who it was.)

Elliot: Hello.

Olivia: (panting) El.

(Elliot almost shit a brick when he hears Olivia's voice.)

Elliot: Liv? Jet come here.

Jet: Is it Captain Benson?

Olivia: (starts crying) El I want to come home.

Elliot: OK baby, can you tell me where you are? Jet is going to trace this call ok, I'm about to be on my way.

Olivia: I'm.. not sure. He has had me in a cabin. El you have to find me, I'm in labor I think and I can't move.

Jet: I got her location, she's in Jersey City. Here the address looks like nothing but woods.

Elliot: Jet you are coming with me, Sarge I'm going to need the chopper now. Baby we found where you are, I'm on my way ok.

Olivia: OK, please hurry.

Ayanna: I'll hear Harold to meet you on the roof.

Elliot: I am, where is he?

Olivia: (sniffle) I beat him with a stick and left him in the basement. I think I might have killed him El, there was blood and he wasn't moving.

Elliot: Are you having contractions?

(Elliot goes to the rooftop and waits for harold to get there. Three minutes pass and he finally sees him coming through the door. They jump in as he starts it and take off to the location where Olivia is.)

(Back at the cabin Olivia feels a warm sensation between her legs and feels down there.)

Olivia: Oh god.

Elliot: What? What is it?

Olivia: My water broke.

Elliot: Come on we need to hurry now.

Olivia: (cries) El I'm scared.

Elliot: I know but I need you to be strong ok? Our babies are depending on you to be strong. Our other kids are home waiting for me to bring you guys home.

Olivia: How's Noah?

Elliot: He is staying strong and can't wait to see you.

(It goes quiet until he hears her scream and groans as the pain gets stronger. Olivia bites her lip tasting blood as it rips her in half. She tries to breathe through it but the pain is unbearable. After what seems like forever she finally able to take a breath.)

Olivia: (lip quivers) El I think I need to push.

Elliot: What?

Olivia: I feel a lot of pressure.

Elliot: Can you feel and see if the head is there?

(Olivia takes her hand and pulls down her tights and underwear to see if she can feel her baby's head.)

Olivia: (gasp) I can feel it El I need to push.

Elliot: Ok go ahead and push baby I'm right here I'm not going to leave you.

Olivia: Don't hang up. 

Elliot: I won't just focus on getting our baby here mama.

(Olivia puts the phone on speaker and sits it on the floor next to her. She tries to get comfortable so she can push her baby out. She listens as Elliot coaches her through with sweet words. A contraction hits and she bares down and pushes as she grunts through the pain.)

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