(Elliot listens as he hears Olivia push one of their babies into the world. He continues to help her by encouraging her and promising to be there. Olivia gives one more big push and feels relief as her baby slips from her body.)

Olivia: (cries) Oh god oh god.

Elliot: (panicking) Whats wrong?

(She reaches for her son as he squirms and jets out a loud cry.)

Olivia: I've got you sweet boy. Elliot, we have a son, he's here can you hear him?

Elliot: (chokes up) Hes ok?

Olivia: (smiles) Yes he's looks ok.

Elliot: Ok, I'm almost there and the ambulance is pulling up.

Olivia: OK, but don't hang up.

Elliot: I wouldn't dream of it.

(Elliit listens as she coos at their son as the chopper lands in the grass. Elliot exits just as the paramedics go inside the house. He follows behind them at a face pace and sees Olivia in the living area holding their son. She cries when she sees him coming towards her kneeling down.)

Olivia: (choked out) El.

Elliot: I'm here baby.

Olivia: The contractions have started again.

Elliot: OK, let me take him so we can get our girl here.

(She passes him their son as she yelps as another one hits her. Elliot rubs her back to try and comfort her as the paramedic checks her.)

Paramedic: Maam you are ten centimeters dilated, on the next one I need you to push. Sir you can hand your son over to my team mate so she can check him out.

Olivia: (pants) OK.

(Fin walks in shielding his eyes as he comes next to Elliot.)

Elliot: Fin can you go with them to make sure he's ok.

Fin: On it, and it's good to see you Liv.

(She only groans in response.)

Paramedic: Dad I need you to get behind her to help her.

Elliot: OK, whatever she needs.

Olivia: (sits up) I need to push.

Paramedic: Go ahead if you need to.

(He settles behind her and places his hands on her knees. She relaxes against him as she bares down to push.)

Olivia: God it hurts.

Elliot: (kisses her head) I know and I'm sorry. Just focus on our daughter and holding her.

Olivia: I'm tired El, I don't know if I can do this again.

Elliot: You got this mama.

Paramedic: You're doing great Mom. Her head is right there, one good push and she will be out.

(Olivia nods as she uses the last of her strength to push her baby out with a loud cry.)

Olivia: (moans) Mmmmmm it hurts, Elliot hurts so bad.

Elliot: (caresses her legs) Just push through it, baby then we can all go home.

(Hearing the word home gives her the push she needs and then she feels no more pain. Everything is quiet, just Olivia's heavy breathing and water dripping.)

Olivia: Why isn't she crying? Is she ok, what wrong?

Paramedic: I just need to clear her airway.

(The paramedic suctioned the baby's mouth and nose bit nothing.)

Olivia: (starts crying) Oh god please not again.

Paramedic: Come on baby girl take a breath for mama and daddy.

(Elliot holds Olivia as they wait for their daughter to take her first breath.)

Elliot: Come on baby girl, we are right here.

Olivia: (trembling) God, please.

(It's like she heard her parents plead the next thing they hear is a small cry like a kitten. They watch as she takes more deep breaths in and the louder her cry gets. Olivia busts out crying as tears of joy roll down Elliot's face. He hugs Olivia tight as their daughter is placed on her mother's chest.)

Paramedic: There you go. She just had some fluid stuck in her passageway.

Olivia: Hello sweet girl. You gave us quite a scare there, please don't do that again.

(Elliot brings a hand up and caresses her small cheek as her cries turn to small whimper.)

Paramedic: We need to move them now.

Elliot: Sit up a little for me.

(Olivia sits up as he moves from behind her as the gurney is wheeled in. Elliot and another man help Olivia up and onto the gurney. They wheel them out where Jet was waiting by the chopper.)

Jet: They wanted to wait until after to remove the body.

Olivia: He's dead?

Jet: Yeah, he took a good beat.

Olivia: I didn't mean to kill him, I just...

Elliot: Shh it's ok, you did what you had to do.

(After they were loaded in she was told that her son was at the hospital and was doing well. She and Elliot take the moment to be in their own world as their daughter sleeps.)

Olivia: (kiss her nose) God I'm so exhausted.

Elliot: Hey you just pushed out two babies.

Olivia: Yeah, that reminds me. You are never going to touch me again after what I have been through.

Elliot: What if I pay for a spa day and shopping every Saturday?

Olivia: Hmmm, let me think about it.

(Olivia lays back as she takes everything in from the last two days. She had just closed her eyes when she started to feel lightheaded. Elliot notices the change in her mood and looks at her seeing her focus a bit off.)

Elliot: Hey Liv, you feeling alright?

Paramedics: (checks her) Your blood pressure is dropping. Are you feeling ok Olivia?

Olivia: (mumbles) I.. I feel lightheaded. El can you..

(Before she could finish her sentence the machines go off as she passes out.)

Elliot: Liv?

Paramedic: Sir can you take the baby?

Elliot: What's wrong with her? What the hell happened she was fine.

Paramedic: She could have some internal bleeding or a hemorrhage.

(Just as the words left her mouth, she noticed a puddle of blood-soaked on the gurney.)

Elliot: Olivia baby I need you to wake up. You're strong, and our kids need their mother.

(Olivia flatlines.)

Paramedic: Dammit.

Elliot: (panics) Do something.

(The paramedic starts CPR as the other one does compressions to start her heart again. Elliot holds her hand as he cradles their daughter in his arms. It seems like forever but they finally pull up to the hospital and Olivia is rushed to the back. Elliot is helped out of the ambulance with his daughter tight against his chest. He follows behind Olivia until he is pushed back behind the double door. He stands there with tears falling and his daughter wrapped in his arms.)

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