(It was the next morning, Olivia was still in bed from a night of joyful bliss and multiple orgasms. Her body is tired and it had no problem letting her know that it needs rest. Elliot got up a half hour ago to shower and make them some breakfast as she slept.)

(He walks in with just his boxers on and a tray filled with pancakes, eggs, toast, and fruit. He made her some of her favorite tea and he had orange juice. Placing the tray on her bench, he moves to the bed and kneels down. He watches her for a minute seeing how peaceful and beautiful she looks. He takes a hand and pushes some hair from her face before he caresses it. Feeling the warm hand on her skin she muzzle into it as her eyes fluttered.)

Olivia: (half sleep) Mmm.

Elliot: I made you some breakfast.

Olivia: (cracks open an eye) What time is it?

Elliot: A little past ten.

Olivia: (pushes up) What, why didn't you wake me?

Elliot: Liv it's Sunday, your off, and you need the rest.

Olivia: (snaps) Why because you said so. I don't need you making choices for me because I'm carrying your baby. This is not my first time, so I think I would know when I need to take a day off. El you can't make decisions for me, I have work, and I.... I'm not Kathy.

(Silence before he reacts.)

Elliot: (gets frustrated) I'm not making any decisions for you Liv, I'm not trying to control you. It was Fin's idea to let you rest today because of how hard you've been working. I was just trying to do something nice for you because you deserve someone to take care of yourself for a change. God woman, you are so damn stubborn you can't even see when I'm trying to take care of you and love you. I know you're not Kathy so don't you dare throw that in my face.

(Feeling like he's about to explode he sets the tray in front of her before he shakes his head. He crosses the room in two long strides and walks out of her bedroom. She is left sitting there shocked as she tries to understand how it went left so quickly. getting out of bed with just her sheet wrapped around her she follows him. He puts on his clothes from the night before.)

Olivia: Where are you going?

Elliot: I need some air.

Olivia: So that's it, one fight and you're walking. Is that what I have to look forward to when this baby comes? Why can't we ever talk after an argument instead of running away?

Elliot: I'm trying here Liv. I don't want to fight with you anymore, or unless shit just happens. I meant what I said last night Olivia, I just want us to be happy and enjoy life together.

Olivia: (walks to him) I want that too.

Elliot: I can't lose both of you again Liv. Not only you two but Noah too, he has become such a big part of my life.

(Once she's in front of him she takes his hands and brings them to her lips kissing them.)

Olivia: I'm sorry for blowing up at you in there. I know you're not trying to control me, you only want to be here for us. It's hard being vulnerable and dependent on someone else. I have loved you for a very long time and I love the way you love my son.

Elliot: I know, trust me I know Liv. You are not alone anymore, you have Noah, your squad, and you have my family.

Olivia: Family.

Elliot: Yeah family. We are a bit dysfunctional, but we love even harder.

Olivia: (smiles) OK you win I will rest today. Now can we go back to the bedroom because we're hungry?

Elliot: OK, let's go feed my babies.

Olivia: (laughs) I think you fed me enough.

Elliot: (busts out laughing) Such a dirty mind Olivia Benson.

(So Sunday was filled with breakfast in bed and more blissful sexual ecstasy. Noah makes it back home just in time to see Elliot before he leaves. He promises him that he will be over for taco night and to be there whenever he needs him.)

(Over the next two weeks Olivia has had dinner with the Stabler clan and it went well. She was at a diner for lunch across from the precinct waiting on Elliot. He was running ten minutes late and she was starting to worry until he came through the door.)

Olivia: El over here.

(He smiles at her before walking towards her.)

Elliot: (kiss her) Hey, sorry I'm late.

Olivia: It's fine, I was enjoying the peace for a moment.

Elliot: Hell at work?

Olivia: When is it not? No matter how many perps we put away, thousands more come out every day.

Elliot: I feel you, that's one of the reasons why I had to give it up. Seeing kids getting hurt every day and then coming home, thinking it could have been your kids.

Olivia: I know, so many times I wanted to just quit.

Elliot: Why you're great at this and you're good with the victims.

Olivia: Yeah, but after doing it for this long, I've been thinking of retirement.

Elliot: What?

Olivia: Yeah, I mean with the kids and now another on the way. I just want to enjoy this life and I don't know how

(Four weeks later Olivia was twenty weeks along and today was the day they found out the gender of their baby. Today was going to be the day that they told everyone about the baby. She was sitting on the bed with him with his hands on her belly.)

Elliot: What do you think the baby going to be?

Olivia: As long as he or she is healthy I'm good.

Elliot: I have enough boys and girls, it doesn't even matter.

(She kisses him again as they about the baby's features. Unknown to Elliot, he was about to get the shock of a lifetime. The doctor comes in with the ultrasound machine. Liv lay back as her doctor moved the wand over her stomach. They can see the baby and as soon as he pays close attention his mouth drops.)

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