(After Olivia gives her painful statement, Elliot hasn't let go of her hand since. They both were so ready to get back home they could cry. The next morning Olivia got another check-up before they were finally packed and on the road. Fin drove them back while Elliot sat in the passenger seat.)

Fin: So you happy to be going home Liv?

Olivia: I can't wait, I miss Noah so much.

Elliot: He called ten times since this morning.

Fin: I can't wait to get home, Phoebe is waiting for me.

Olivia: I bet.

(Elliot chuckles as she tends to one of the twins.)

Fin: This is crazy I can't believe you have twins newborns Liv.

Olivia: I know somebody pinch me.

Elliot: I can't believe how good they are doing.

Olivia: I guess they love the ride, or they know we're on the way home.

(Before leaving the hospital this morning, Olivia made a promise to herself that she would leave what happened behind. She's only focused now on her family and just being around her loved ones.)

(They make it home and everyone is there including his brothers. There were a lot of hugs and tears as everyone crowded around the twins. Olivia walked over to Noah who stayed back as he watched his mother.)

Olivia: Hey my sweet boy.

Noah: Hi.

Olivia: What's the matter? Can I get a hug?

Noah: You hurt, I don't want to hurt you.

Olivia: You could never hurt me, baby.

Noah: You sure?

Olivia: I'm sure come here.

(He runs into her arms as she squeezes him tight. He buries his face in her belly as he finally breaks now that his mom is home. She sits down pulls him into her side and talks to him.)

Noah: I missed you. It was scary not knowing what was going on, or if you and my sister and brother were ok.

Olivia: We're ok, it was tough but we all made it out alright. Do you want to finally meet them and hold them?

Noah: (nods) Yeah, I would like that.

Olivia: OK.

(She looks back and sees everyone admiring her babies. Elliot looks up and smiles seeing her watching them.)

Elliot: (mouth) What?

Olivia: Can you bring them over Noah wants to see them.

Elliot: Yeah, plus I think they're getting tired of these seats.

(He brings the twins and sat them down before he takes them out one at a time.)

Olivia: Give me Aidan.

Noah: Their so tiny.

Olivia: They are, you use to be this tiny before I brought you home too.

Elliot: Ok, Noah can you sit back and I'll hand over Alana to you.

(Noah sits back and holds his arms out to take his baby sister. Once she's in his arms he is in awe as he watch her as she snuggle into him.)

Noah: She likes me.

Olivia: (smiles) She does.

(Aidan decides in that moment to grunt and then his lip quiver.)

Elliot: Uh oh, I think he's either hungry or about to poop.

Olivia: Like father, like son.

(As Noah enjoy his sibling, Elliot's other kids gather around and engross in different conversations.)

Kathleen: I can't wait to spoil them, I'm going to be their favorite.

Maureen: I'm the oldest so I'm always the favorite.

Dickie: Whatever I'm the cool one.

Eli: Yeah right, I'm closer to their age so I'm the best brother, well next to Noah.

Lizzie: How about we let them decide.

Joey: I'm the godfather so, I'm the favorite uncle.

Randall: In your dreams.

Bernie: Those poor babies is in for a ride of their life with this crazy family.

(Everyone laughs before settling down.)

Joey: ok everyone dinner is on me.

Randall: Kid I don't think you have the funds to feed all of us.

Joey: You just let me handle this. Now what do everyone want to eat, so we can head home so Olivia and my godbabies can get some rest.

Elliot: Just order some Chinese and stop making a big deal.

(Everyone agreed on Chinese while Olivia went to the twins room to feed and put them down to sleep. By nine that night everyone had gone home leaving Olivia and Elliot with three sleeping kids. Olivia was finally able to take a nice hot bath and was now in bed snuggled against Elliot.)

Olivia: God it feels so good to be home and in bed with you.

Elliot: Hmm, those was the worst two days of my life. I'm so grateful to have you three back safe and sound.

(She looks up at him before she brings a hand to his face to caress it. Without another word she capture his lips with hers. He runs a hand up her thigh, towards her back and into her hair. He deepens the kiss causing them both to moan at the sensation.)

Olivia: We need to stop.

Elliot: Why, it's been a week since I was able to just kiss you like that.

Olivia: Oh trust me I'm loving every minute of it but I just pushed out two babies. Not to mention we have to wait six weeks before we can do anything else.

Elliot: (kiss her neck) I think making out is ok, the doctor said no intercourse.

Olivia: (makes a face) How about you just hold me tonight and every night and maybe I'll think about first base.

Elliot: God your going to be the death of me woman.

Olivia: (chuckle) Don't die on my El, we still have a wedding to plan.

Elliot: I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives with you and our crazy kids.

Olivia: Me too, I love you so so much Elliot Stabler and I thank god everyday for bringing you back to me.

Elliot: I love you more, I thank him for you giving me a second chance.

(Olivia kisses him one last time before she snuggles feeling into him as he bury his face in her hair. It took only five minutes for them to fall to sleep in the safety of their home. Some time during the night, Olivia woke up to feed the twins and found Noah curled up by their bed. She grabs her chest as the picture in front of her grabbed at her heart and smile.)

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