(It was almost dinner time by the time they got settled and took a stroll along the beach. Olivia called and talked to Noah for the fifth time today in the course of six hours. He grips her hand as they take in the beautiful sunset.)

Elliot: Liv he's fine.

Olivia: I know I can't help but worry. Three years ago he was kidnapped and since then....

Elliot: It's hard to trust people.

Olivia: Yeah, I still blame myself because all I want is for him to have a family. Not just me but..

Elliot: Who was it?

Olivia: His grandmother. She is his biological mother's mom, and you know I always have a weak spot for his happiness. So when she came to my door after she served me with custody papers I felt sorry for her.

Elliot: You thought it was the right thing to do at that moment.

Olivia: (looks sad) Yeah and it almost cost me my son. That was the scariest time of my life, not knowing where my kid was. He used to ask me what happened to her and it was hard to just give him an answer.

Elliot: I'm sorry you went through that.

Olivia: It has gotten better over the years. Therapy has been a great big help with that and just learning to be patient with myself.

Elliot: Therapy?

Olivia: Yes, but we will get into that later.

(He pulls her into his arms and holds her tight placing a kiss on her head.)

Elliot: How about we go out to eat tonight?

Olivia: I like that.

Elliot: We should head back and get ready.

(An hour later they both are dressed and ready to go.)

Olivia: So I guess this counts as our first official date.

Elliot: The first of many more to come.

(As the night progressed they went to a small cute diner ten minutes away. They ate and talked about his kids, she told him how she got Noah.)

Olivia: You know for the longest people thought Noah was biologically mine.

Elliot: I can see that, he does look like you. Although I did wonder when I first got back who was the lucky bastard who got you pregnant.

Olivia: You know Kathleen asked me if was Noah her brother.

Elliot: What, that makes no sense.

Olivia: I was flabbergasted.

Elliot: I will have a talk with her.

Olivia: No it's ok really.

Elliot: So you said you found him working on a case?

Olivia: Yeah, child trafficking and somehow it was also a connection to his mother. Sweet girl just lost and out here in this cruel world.

Elliot: Well thank god you found him.

Olivia: (smiles) I did and he has been the light I've been looking for my whole life. He's such a sweet boy and I'm so lucky to have him.

Elliot: You are an amazing mother and you are doing good with him.

Olivia: Thanks, it's really good to hear that, don't get that very often unless it's from work.

Elliot: So what do you think of this place so far?

Olivia: I am really enjoying myself.

Elliot: Glad to hear that.

(They spent another thirty minutes at the diner sharing a slice of cheesecake. By the time they made it back to the beach house, it was ten that night.)

Olivia: I'm going to go shower.

Elliot: OK, I'll find something to watch for later.

Olivia: Maybe we can have a glass of wine and we can talk. I think I should tell you why I've been seeing a therapist for over fifteen years now.

Elliot: (swallows) OK.

Olivia: If you're not ready then...

Elliot: No I'm ready. I want to know everything, but I wanted to let you know that it's not going to change how I feel about you.

Olivia: (smiles) Promise?

Elliot: (kisses her nose) I promise.

Olivia: OK, how about I get us something to drink? Wine or something with a kick?

Elliot: I brought beer too.

Olivia: I'll have wine and bring you a beer.

Elliot: I'll be here.

(She gets up and goes into the kitchen to get a wine glass, wine bottle, and two beers. When she comes back Elliot has lit the fireplace and it is seated waiting for her. He hands him his beer as she sits next to him and brings her legs up under her against the corner of the sofa.)

Olivia: (exhale) I'm so nervous right now. I haven't told this one in a really long time but I've learned to be ok with it. I feel like if we are going to take our relationship to a more intimate level, I need you to know everything.

Elliot: I'm here to listen Liv.

Olivia: (drinks her wine) Moment of truths.

Elliot: I'm not going anywhere.

(He watches as she drinks almost the full glass before placing it on the table. She closes her eyes to focus before her haze lands on him.)

Olivia: Ok, I'm going to tell you about that time I went UC at the women's prison. You know some but not all of what happened while I was there.

(Clears her throat.)

Olivia: You know about the TB outbreak but they weren't telling us anything so a few of us started asking questions. Parker one of the officers had it out for me since I got there. I thought he was the one raping the women, but turns out he wasn't the ring leader. Lowell Harris was the one calling the shots and he showed up to demand who was responsible for the ruckus. Parker had me pinned down on the table while he was pressed against me. He pulled me up and told Harris that it was me who started it and he told me he was taking me to holding.

(Liv takes a moment to collect herself and takes a big sip of her wine. She sits back to find a comfortable spot before she opens her mouth to finish the story.)

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