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Content Warning ‼️ ⚠️ this chapter will contain physical, verbal, and emotional abuse. ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ love yall ❤️

Breeze bar

Khadeen: Crystal ...... 3 days......... it's been 3 days ( she yelled)

Crystal: kay, stop yelling please

Devale: Kay calm down

Khadeen: let's talk then

Crystal: not now please

Khadeen : Now Crystal! Before I cause a scene

Crystal: you're already doing that

Khadeen: so get up ( she demanded as Crystal got up to follow her outside)


Khadeen: I wanna talk ( as devale just stood back and watched from a distance)

Crystal: why are you doing this

Khadeen: why you ignoring me

Crystal: I don't know ok..... I feel guilty

Khadeen: about what

Crystal: about all of this..... about y'all..... about everything

Khadeen : you shouldn't feel guilty about anything and I still wanna know why you were ignoring me

Crystal: I'm sorry okay

Khadeen: you know I hate that shit. You promised me last time that you wouldn't do it any more

Crystal: I'm sorry.

Khadeen: can we talk somewhere else? All three of us.

Crystal: yeah Ummmm...... in the morning if that's fine.

Khadeen: sure ( as she kissed Crystal on the cheek and her and devale went inside to pay for there things to leave)



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Devale : what did she say earlier

Khadeen: she basically said that she felt guilty

Devale: gulity about what

Khadeen : everything! She felt like she ruined everything. She's so used to being told that she's a fuck up and she actually believe it sometimes.

Devale: I don't want her to feel that way

Khadeen: me either trust me she's been through enough.

Devale: so what now

Khadeen: she said that we can talk tomorrow morning.  We can go over to her house at about 9.

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