Your fault

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Nicole: I'm pregnant ( she blurted out)

Nicole: did you hear what I said  devale ....i said I'm pregnant ( as devale stood shook)

Devale : what do you mean you're pregnant

Nicole: I took a pregnancy test yesterday and it was positive

Devale: maybe it's a false positive

Nicole: I took two tests, two different ones and they both were positive

Devale: Nicole is that baby mine

Nicole: yes , you're the only person that I've slept with

Devale: are you sure

Nicole: I'm not fucking lying devale , I wouldn't just put a baby off on you ( she yelled )

Devale: calm that yelling down my fucking kids are sleep.

Nicole; so stop asking me dumb questions I just told you

Devale : I have a fucking wife Nicole and kids

Nicole: the same wife that you complained to me about, saying how she didn't please you  which is why you were sleeping with me , the same wife who you said relationship wasn't the same, the same wife that you said cheated on and left you..... yeah okay

Devale: I'm sorry but I love her and I want my family back

Nicole: what is that supposed to mean

Devale: you can't keep this baby... I'll pay for the abortion

Nicole: I'm not aborting my fucking child ... my first fucking child

Devale: Nicole please.... Let's just think this through

Nicole : no Devale, fuck you im leaving ..... lets see how your wife feel about it.( as she leaves out )

( as Jax listen to the whole conversation from the stair case and returned upstairs  )

The following morning

_____________________________________The following morning

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Khadeen: good morning baby

Crystal: hey ( she said with a attitude)

Khadeen: why so dry, what's wrong

Crystal : why did you tell my mom that we're in a relationship

Khadeen: ummm... because we are.. I'm confused

Crystal: you don't get it ... she's messy and she does things to hurt me. She might air us out!

Khadeen: ok and

Crystal: she's gonna tell the world and then what.. how are we going to explain it... on top of that I'm pregnant how am I going to explain to people.

Khadeen: I'm sorry I didn't think about that

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