You lied

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The next day

Khadeen: baby stop reading the comments

Crystal: I have to say something right , god they think I'm a home wrecker

Khadeen: not now and you know your not

Crystal: what am I going to say

Khadeen: I need you to just sit back and let me handle it , you're 9 months pregnant I don't need you stressing please.

Crystal: but what are you going to say

Khadeen: don't worry about it , you just relax and put the phone down ( she demanded)

( as she got up and grabbed her phone and called Devale)

Khadeen: you couldn't control your bitch huh

Devale: I didn't know she was going to do that and she's not my bitch

Khadeen: that's beside the point  , she did it and now what

Devale: how do you want to flip this

Khadeen: tell the truth

Devale: what do you mean , we can't. you already see how the public is taking this shit now

Khadeen: their going in on crystal and I need it to stop 

Devale: their going in on all of us

Khadeen: just shut up

Devale: fine

Khadeen: we need to figure this out now

Devale: look I'm sure that I've lost a lot of money after this, I think that we need to think about our family and not care about anybody else. Crystal can figure out her own problems.

Khadeen: I'm not doing this with you, I'm going to protect her no matter what, imma just tell the truth and hope it gets us somewhere

Devale: what are you going to say tho

Khadeen: that you cheated on me. That I went and stayed with Crystal and we fell in love. Then you found out about us and that you were okay with the whole three way situation when you had the best of both worlds but then you got jealous because my love for her was stronger that YOU broke up with me and put me out . Then Crystal ended up pregnant and you denied her and the baby knowing you're the one person she slept with. I'm going to say I don't know anything about the whole Nicole situation, that's your story to tell not that it matter.

Devale: so basically your going to put all the blame on me to cover for Crystal

Khadeen : what do you mean cover for Crystal that's literally what happened.

Devale: fine whatever I don't even care anymore say what you want , put all the blame on me then ( he said hanging up)


(Khadeen talking to Mimi(her mom)

Mimi: what's going on

Khadeen: it's alot

Mimi: I know that you and Crystal have been together living together but I didn't know about all this

Khadeen: I know we kinda wanted to keep it private as long as we could

Mimi: what happened between yall

Khadeen: devale cheated on me again mom and I confided in Crystal. She was going  through things at the time also and we were there for each other. I fell in love with her , me , her and Devale tried a three way relationship and he was ok with it when it benefited him but one day he asked me if I loved her more than I loved him and I could deny it and he said that he was done with me and he put me out.

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