New beginnings

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Devale: Don't ever question my love for you again, I will go to bat for you, I literally killed a man about you.

YOU DID WHAT ( they heard behind them)

Crystal: mom , dad it's not what —( as Mona cut her off)

Mona: did you hear what I heard

Tony: yes , I did

Devale: it's not even like that

Mona : so who did you kill Devale

Devale : ummm..... well

Tony: I want to know what's going on

Mona: and we want the truth

Khadeen: how about we all have a seat ( as they sat down )

Mona: I'm listening

Crystal : ok well in my previous relationship I was getting abused. He beat me , he made me lose a baby and he almost killed Me

Khadeen: you're supposed to ease it out the babe

Crystal: oh sorry

Tony: who baby

Crystal : my ex David. Yall don't know anything about him because ... well... we started dating around the time that yall both abandoned me . we were together for 2 years and he beat me most of it. I tried to leave but he would threaten me. I was scared

Mona: I'm so sorry

Crystal: I know mom

Tony: so what happened after that

Crystal: the day that I was attacked and in a coma he did it , he put me there. He beat me daddy

Tony: my god , you said you didn't know who did it

Crystal: I lied , I was scared

Tony: scared of what Crystal

Crystal: daddy his connections are long, if I were to say he did it he would've been out before the night is over. Just like the last time

Mona : what do you mean the last time

Crystal: I tried to leave before I called the police and he was arrested but was out before the night was over and I didn't know what to do or where to go so I showed up to y'all  house but I was disowned by my own mother and told to leave  and my dad sat back and allowed it

Mona: I'm sorry baby, I'm really sorry. If I could take back all the hurt I caused you I would.

Tony : I'm  sorry

Crystal : yes I know and i forgive yall for that , not because yall deserve my forgiveness but because I deserve  to heal and I can't do that angry.

Tony: so you turned to Devale

Crystal: after I got out of a coma I didn't know who I could trust or who I could go to so I told Devale and he said that he would handle it

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