Here we go again

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Sheena: I'm so sorry baby

Devale: for what

Sheena: I know that I was a horrible mother , I know that I've hurt you time and time again and I'm sorry

Devale: okay

Sheena: I know that I don't deserve you but all I'm asking for is a chance for us to figure that out. I'll accept if  you don't want any thing to do with me, I know that I've done enough damage.

Devale- you're my mom , of course I want you here I love you. But I want to know why

Sheena- why what

Devale- just leave

Sheena- what why

Devale- you know what I want to know stop playing dumb

Sheena- baby look-

Devale- you abandoned me for a man , you left me. You would call sometimes and send me things but that shit didn't matter to me because all I wanted was you and you wasn't here

Sheena- I'm sorry for all that I've done , I know that I made mistakes and I'm willing to do whatever I have to do to fix this. It's okay if you hate me tho, I get it.

Devale- I don't fucking hate you , you're my mom

Sheena- when I left the first time when you were young I thought that I wasn't worthy of being a mother. I was young and broken inside from what my parents did to me.

Devale- what did they do

Sheena- my mom she treated me like shit since the day I was born, she hated me , it was like she hated my presence . She never came to anything that I did in school she was horrible. I got pregnant with you at a young age I was 16, she put me out on the streets and told me that she never wanted to see me again.

Devale- damn

Sheena- then me and your father worked hard to take care of you

Devale- and then you left

Sheena- I thought that I didn't deserve to be your mother. I was fucked up I needed help , I didn't know what to do.

Devale- my dad was there

Sheena- he was since the day we met and I pushed him away.

Devale- he told me the first time you left it was his fault

Sheena- it wasn't his fault it was mine. he told me that he thought that we needed space and that our relationship wasn't working. I was hurt because you guys was all I had and he wanted a break. I already felt unworthy of y'all love. I was already alone and he wanted to basically leave me.

Devale- so you just disappeared I was 4

Sheena-  I made a mistake and I left . I thought that I was better off gone. I came back a couple month later  and I seen y'all leaving with a woman and she was holding your hand, y'all were smiling, I assumed he moved on so I left again

Devale- that was pretty fucked up and mia was my nanny

Sheena- I know now but I didn't know then.

Devale- you came back months later in a relationship with Jamie

Sheena- I just confided in him when I had nobody else. He asked me to move with him to New York and I did. Then he started beating me , I was scared to leave. He isolated me from you. He's very powerful there wasn't anything that I could do.

Devale- you could've called or you could've came home

Sheena-I was scared Devale and I couldn't

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