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Ebony: so we gone sit here and act like that night never happened

Novi: wait what

Devale : don't fucking lie

Ebony: so that night never happened devale

Devale: yo chill out

Ebony: so we didn't fuck that night

Crystal: imma head to the car

Devale: Crystal ( he says grabbing her arm as she tries to walks away)

Crystal: don't touch me( as she walked away)

Novi: you been here on crystal ass all this time saying she's a home wrecker and shit and the whole time you fucked devale

Devale: we never fucked , she's lying

Ebony: your lying

Devale:I'm leaving

Ebony: yeah , now you can go and tell them both the truth.

Devale: fuck you , delusional ass 

Ebony: you already did that ( as Devale left out)

( in the car )

Devale: crys it's not what you think-( as Crystal cut him off)

Crystal: not now Devale I have a headache

Devale: I didn't fuck her baby

Crystal: just drive please

Devale: she's lying Crystal

Crystal: okay

Devale: don't act like that , I'm telling the truth

Crystal : silence please

( 30 minutes later)

_____________________________________( 30 minutes later)

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( As Devale and Crystal enters the house)

Khadeen: hey y'all

Devale: hey

Crystal: hey, I'm going to head upstairs and take a shower

Khadeen: no kiss

Crystal : I'm sorry ( as she turns to kiss Khadeen then head upstairs)

Khadeen: what wrong with her

Devale: I don't know

Khadeen: oh

Devale: how was moving in today

Khadeen: it was cool , the boys you hired to move the rest of our things was quick

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