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They spent the rest of their night settling down and relaxing and just spending time with each other. Devale lied and told crystal that he was going downstairs to get something but never told her what. He was gone for a couple hours and came back empty handed so Crystal was suspicious. Khadeen knew that he was going to check on the proposal setting for tomorrow. Devale distanced himself from Crystal a little because everytime he seen her he became nervous and all he could think about was the things that could go wrong.

Crystal: is he not acting weird

Khadeen : no what you mean

Crystal : I mean that he disappeared and said he was going to get something but then he came back hours later with nothing

Khadeen: I didn't notice

Crystal: he's also been  distant with me , and you're not going to sit here and say you didn't notice that  .

Khadeen: I didn't notice  , I'm sorry ( Khadeen lied and grabbed crystal hand)

Crystal: yeah whatever ( as she snatched away and got up going to the bathroom)

Khadeen: don't be mad crys( as she watched crystal leave and then head to talk to Devale who was in the kitchen)


Devale: what wrong with you , why you looking like that

Khadeen: she knows something is up Devale

Devale: what are you talking about

Khadeen: she bought up you leaving for 2 hours earlier 

Devale: I was checking on the proposal place ( he whispered) 

Khadeen: I know that but it looked  suspicious to her

Devale: shitttt

Khadeen: yeah

Devale: that's  your fault , your supposed to keep  her busy and occupied

Khadeen : how

Devale: i don't know , give her head or something

Khadeen: really Devale

Devale: I just saying , it always shut her up

Khadeen: and why are you being distant with her

Devale: because I'm nervous shit . Every time I look and her I think about tomorrow and all the things that could go wrong . Like what if she say no khadeen.

Khadeen: she won't say no , but you have to relax

Crystal: relax about what ( she heard entering the kitchen)

Devale : I was stressing about food. The restaurant down stairs was booked on reservations for tonight.

Crystal: oh , it's fine

Khadeen: how about you relax and ill go pick I
Us up some dinner

Crystal: ok
The following morning

( crystal woke up a little later than normal and noticed that neither Khadeen nor Devale was in bed . She got up to check the house but they wasn't there , she called their phones but neither of them answered. )

( shortly after khadeen and Devale entered the house with Crystal  some breakfast )

Crystal: a note would've been nice or yall could've at least answered yall phones

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