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Devale: what's going on ( he shouted )

Mimi: Milli was rushed to the hospital ( as Devale heart instantly stopped)

Devale: were on the way

Devale had to calm crystal and Kay down as they rushed to get their bags. Heading to the airport everyone was silent. Nobody knew what to say and Crystal just sat in her tears as everyone comforted each other. Shortly after they got out of the Uber with their bags and headed inside the airport

A couple hours later they boarded the plane and 3 hours later landed as they made there way to Atlanta grey hospital

Devale: I'm looking for my daughter Amilyana hayslett

Front desk : one second I'll take y'all back to the waiting area   ( as she took them back to the family)

Crystal : where is she

Mimi: Crystal just wait

Crystal: somebody better get to talking , I want to see her ( as her dad comes out of Milli room)

Michael: she okay has RSV baby.

Mimi: I brought her to the hospital because she wasn't eating, she had a fever 103, and she was struggling to breathe.

Michael: come on ( as he brought them in Milli room)

Kay: OMG mama are you okay

Crystal: how you feeling mommy's baby

Devale: why the tubes

Michael: she needed oxygen. She had inflammation that blocked her airway which caused the wheezing and that caused a decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood and the other is a feeding tube.

Crystal: dad

Michael : yes baby

Crystal: she's going to be okay right?

Michael : of course

Crystal: I'm glad that you were here ( as they hugged eachother)

Michael: I'll be back later I'm going to let y'all have some space. , and congratulations. I knew you would say yes.

Crystal: you knew

Michael: of course

( in the lobby)

Crystal: thank you

Mimi: you don't have to think me crystal, she's my granddaughter

Crystal: i know but you followed you first instinct and brought her

Mimi: always she's my baby and congratulations, i see you said yes

Crystal: oh yeah

Mimi: they did good on this ring

Crystal: I know it's so beautiful

Mimi: imma take the boys home , we'll see y'all tomorrow. Make sure y'all try to get some rest( she said before leaving)

( the following morning)

Mona: hey baby ( she said waking crystal up )

Crystal: hi mom, when did y'all get here

Mona: about a hour ago , how's she doing

Crystal: she's doing good , they said that  we could probably leave tomorrow

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