Dont let go

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The next morning

Mimi: did you talk to her

Khadeen: I tried to mom but she wouldn't talk to me, she wouldn't even answer the door

Mimi: I understand why she won't

Khadeen: I know I do to but I made a mistake

Mimi: what happened anyway, why were you alone with Devale

Khadeen: he asked me if I could meet him, he said that he wanted to talk

Mimi: talk about what

Khadeen: our relationship, that includes Crystal so I asked her to come. I honestly thought that it would help just a regular conversation

Mimi: was it not ( she questioned)

Khadeen: I walked in and I was flooded with memories , he set up a romantic scenery of us from the beginning. The day we met, college, our kids, everything I was overwhelmed and then he kissed me.

Mimi: and you let him

Khadeen: for a split second mom , I fucked up

Mimi: so you have to fix it

Khadeen : how when she won't even talk to me , I went over there this morning and she wouldn't even open the door

Mimi: maybe just give her some space for now

Khadeen: I can't , I'm going back over there



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( on the phone with khadeen)

Devale: did you talk to her

Khadeen : no I tried again this morning but she wouldn't open the door

Devale: I'm so sorry again

Khadeen: it's fine

Devale: why didn't you tell me she was coming

Khadeen:  I didn't tell you because you said that you wanted to talk to me only but the conversation involves her too that's why I invited her. I thought that we was just going to be having a dinner conversation.

Devale:  that's my fault. I wasn't really thinking.

Khadeen: I'll call you back , I'm on my way to try and see her again

Devale: okay , I'll be bringing the boys by later

Khadeen: bye

Devale : bye



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