What a night

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Devale : nawll don't stop now

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Devale : nawll don't stop now

Khadeen: devale... I can ......

Crystal : yes D it's not what it looks like

Devale: so how long this been going on

Crystal : we can explain

Devale : you know what don't! ( he says as he starts to remove his clothes)

It was something about the view that he seen that just made him weak and turned him on. All he could think about was how he have the two women that he love right in front of him and how he wanted to make the best of it.

Crystal and Khadeen looked at each other shocked  but turned on at what devale was doing but never said anything.


He walks over to the bed where Khadeen and Crystal is  and  kisses Khadeen softly and then passionately placed soft kisses on crystals body as Khadeen took her hand rubbing and sucking crystals hard nipples.

Devale: relax crys ..... I got you ( he says as he noticed crystal tensing up and nervous)

Khadeen: it's okay baby. ( she says to Crystal )

Devale: if you want me to stop just say so ( as Crystal nods  in agreement)

Devale gently lays Crystal down placing soft kisses on her body working his way down her stomach and then  down to her clit. He starts teasing her as he gently ate her pussy and slowly entered two fingers in her at the same time

Crystal : fuckkkkk she scream out

Devale: mmmmmhhhh

Crystal : OMG Baby please

Devale: please what

Crystal: I can't

Devale: cum for  me then

Khadeen: let that shit out baby ( she says as she rubs Crystal clit.)

Noticing Crystal on the verge of climax  , devale flipped Crystal over in doggy style as he ate her out from behind as  Crystal  laid Khadeen down taking her clit in her mouth sucking and slurping.

As Crystal and Khadeen both reached their climax , devale finished  taking off his clothes turning  crystal back in missionary.

Devale : you okay crys

Crystal: yes

Devale: what about you baby ( talking to Khadeen as she struggled to catch her breath

Khadeen : yes I'm okay

Devale then takes his dick and slowly insert it in Crystal as she let out a loud gasp. Shittttt they both say for different reasons.

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