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Sheena: I want to apologize to everyone, I'm really sorry

Devale: here we go again. You do this all the time.( he said rolling his eyes Annoyed)

Sheena: I mean it baby , just please give me a chance to fix things and explain

Devale: whatever

Sheena: I've really been on edge  lately and angry with myself. I know that I've fucked up a lot in the past but I want a chance to make up for it now before it's too late.

Devale: this same sad ass story , you must want some attention

Sheena: please devale, just give me a chance to talk

Devale: I'd rather not , you've done enough

Khadeen: just let her explain

Crystal: yeah , give her a chance

Devale: how about y'all both just stay out of it( he shouted)

Crystal: I know he ain't talking to us

Khadeen: he can't be

Devale: I'm sorry , it's just that y'all don't know my mother and her antics. She's been doing this for years. Wanting to half ass be a mother when she chooses. Feeling like she can come in and out of my life when she chooses. I'm tired of it. ( as everyone just sat back in silence)

Sheena: Im sorry( she said crying)

Devale: how did you even find out where we lived or when my baby was in the hospital because nobody told you

Sheena: I hired a private investigator to find you, I tried calling you but you wasn't answering and I didn't know where to look. I needed to see you.

Devale: I got a new number and why you needed to see me

Sheena : because I ran okay devale , I ran

Devale: from who

Sheena : from you Jamie ( her husband)

Devale: why ( as Sheena sat back thinking about what to say next )

Mona: show them

Devale: show us what ( as Sheena stood up and took off her jacket)

Mimi: OMG ( she said shocked )

Devale: imma kill him( he said standing up)

Chris: okay wait son, let's think this through, he said trying to grab Devale)

Devale: do you see what he did to her

Chris: yes now just wait , calm down

Devale: I need some air, and don't follow me ( he said standing up to go outside)

Mimi: we're going to head out to , we'll see y'all
tomorrow. Tell my babies I love them.

Michael: yeah I'm going to leave to have have work in the morning, i love you baby girl ( he said placing a kiss on crystal cheek and Turning to leave out )

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