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Ring , Ring , Ring📞

Eric- is he gone

Sheena- he left today

Eric- do you think the plan is going to work

Sheena- yes

Eric - and you're sure he's going to kill him

Sheena- he was pretty angry , he told me that he was going to take care of him when he see him

Eric- and what about Camilla , what if he finds her

Sheena- we will be long gone by then

Eric- are you sure

Sheena- yep , once my husband is dead everything is ours including the 100 million dollar policy

Eric- and then Japan here we come

Sheena- he's calling me baby I'll call you back. I love you

Eric- I love you too

2 months  later

Devale realized that  getting to his step dad Jamie wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. Jamie stayed with full security at all times  and  it was hard to keep up with. Jamie also went out of town a couple times and Devale hasn't had any luck. But tonight was the night.

Khadeen, Devale and Crystal have been on the outs since he had left. Devale stopped checking in and calling when he was supposed to and he promised that he wouldn't be gone for long but 2 months later he's still gone. They argued as Devale promised he would come home to end this search  because they felt that he was in to deep and everyone missed him. they brought a plane ticket for him to come home and he agreed to come home but he never showed up at the airport. He sent a text message later that day saying that he couldn't just leave without finding her and taking care of what he came to do and that he's sorry if they couldn't understand that.



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Crystal- has he called today

Khadeen- no he hasn't , not even a text message

Crystal- damn

Khadeen- I'm sick of this shit honestly baby.

Crystal- I know

Khadeen- What about his damn kids , his wife and
Fiancé. He really acts like he doesn't give a fuck.

Crystal-  I know but it's gonna be okay

Khadeen- it's been 2 months Crystal, he promised to come home , had us book his flight home and then he didn't show up. It's fucked up and I'm not okay with it

Crystal- i get it baby , and I know the kids were so disappointed

Khadeen- then when he do call its short conversations and him rushing off the phone

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