Its daddy

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Nicole: are you ready

Devale: yes

Nicole: ok ( as she opened the envelope)

Devale: what does it say

Nicole : this must be a mistake

Devale: what

Nicole: this makes no sense

Devale: what the fuck do it say

Nicole : that your not the father

Devale: the fuck you mean you literally said that I was the only person who you slept with, you said that I was the only possibility

Nicole: there's no way that Rick is my baby daddy

Devale: who is Rick

Nicole: rick is my ex , I slept with Rick a couple days before I slept with you but Rick got a vasectomy. I know he did because I went with him.

Devale: bye Nicole get out

Nicole: please there's no way

Devale: obviously it was

Nicole: shit I'm sorry

Devale: it's all good I'm glad I don't have to be attached to you for 18 years

Nicole: you know what fuck you , you want to sit here and disrespect me.

Devale: you had me thinking that this was my baby this whole time

Nicole: I've only slept with y'all two

Devale: leave my house

Nicole: Devale please

Devale: get the fuck out with your weird ass, I said to go

Nicole: you know what fuck you and by the way I wouldn't keep disrespecting me if I were you , you wouldn't want what happened to your wife to happened to you.

Devale: what did you just say( he said making his way over to Nicole)

Nicole: nothing I need to get back to the hospital to my son

Devale : no what the fuck did you just say

Nicole: I didn't say anything ( she said shaken by Devales approach)

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