I am!

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Crystal: I can't be pregnant you know......I just can't be

She finishes and brings out the test and sit and wait for the results . Five minutes later she gets up to look at the results

Crystal ( immediately starts crying)


Ari: crys what's wrong

Crystal : it's positive( she cried)

Ari: it's gonna be okay ( as she held Crystal in her arms)

Crystal: it's not gonna be okay. What if they don't want a baby, where do I stand , what does this mean for us.

Ari: you're stressing for nothing. You've always wanted a baby Crystal and I know that you'll be an amazing mom

Crystal: will I.... I mean I'm fucked up I just started thearpy. I have no support.

Ari: you have me and of course you will. You're the sweetest most caring person that I've met, I know that sometimes you feel like you're not worthy but you are.

Crystal: you're right

Ari: I have to go but I'll call you later to check on you, love you

Crystal: okay. Love you to

Crystal decided to call her doctor and see if she can book an emergency appointment to confirm her pregnancy because she is high risk. He doctor was able to squeeze her in first time in the morning at 9am



Devale: good morning babe

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Devale: good morning babe

Khadeen: morning

Devale: why you always have to be so dry with me

Khadeen: what are  you talking about I literally said good morning

Devale: you literally avoid me all the time , we barely talk unless it's about Crystal and we don't have sex unless crystal is here

Khadeen: look I'm sorry okay, I just don't be in the mood sometimes and I don't be doing it purposely. Im sorry

Devale : it's okay ( he said as he made his way over to Khadeen and kissed her passionately)

Y'all know what they did 🙈

Later that day

Crystal decided to go and talk to the person who she knows will give her honest advice and give it to her raw. She went to visit her aunt Wanda. Crystal has a great relationship with her aunt Wanda and her husband Tyrone. when Crystal and her parents got into it in the past when she was young she would go to her auntie house and stay until she was forced to come  back home by her parents. They were her safe space. They protected her and treated her as if she was their own.

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