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Devale: man what the fuck are you doing her, better yet how the fuck do you know where we live( he shouted)

Mimi: wassup Ebony

Crystal: who ( Crystal said walking around the corner)

Khadeen: I know this bitch ain't This bold

Ebony: just let me talk

Devale: how you know where we stay

Mimi: we ran into eachother at the store earlier she said that she was going to bring something by for the baby but she never said when.

Devale: did you tell her where we lived

Ebony: please just let me talk to yall

Khadeen: I'm bout to beat your ass

Mimi: I never told her where y'all lived , I don't know how she know

Ebony: I followed you from the store , I just want to talk. Please

Crystal: TALK

Mimi: what's going on

Ebony: look I want to apologize , I was just hurt

Khadeen: what the fuck where you hurt about

Ebony: I was hurt because I was embarrassed. I felt like he led me on when he came to my house that night. He was drunk but all he kept talking about was yall. I felt that if he was going to do that he should've just stayed at the club. I was jealous and thought that I had a chance. I'm sorry for lying

Khadeen: okay , you can go

Ebony: fine , but I'm really sorry.

Crystal: why the sudden change, why you acting like you have sense now

Ebony: well kj and Ming won't talk to me and Novi said that she wanted space and that I needed to think  about what I did. I thought about I and I know that I was wrong.

Khadeen: it fine , bye

Crystal: and don't come back over here( as she closed the door )


Crystal: hi dad

Tony: hi baby

Crystal: i called you here today because I talked to mom

Tony: about what

Crystal: she told me how I made you feel

Tony: she did

Crystal: yes, and I'm sorry , I didn't know that I made you feel left out I never meant to hurt you daddy

Tony: I know and it's okay

Crystal: I'm just trying to figure out how to make everything work. I'm trying my hardest to make sure everyone is happy. I don't want you to ever feel like I'm replacing you

Tony: ok sweetheart

Crystal: you're my father. You were there to pick me up after every fall, you were there to teach me how to drive,  send me off to prom and you were there for my first heart break. You were there every step of the way. I may not be your biological but you're my father and I love you

Tony: I love you more baby girl ( he said as they hugged)

6 months later

Everything has been wonderful in the Ellis/ hayslett household

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Everything has been wonderful in the Ellis/ hayslett household. Khadeen, Devale, and crystals relationship has become stronger than ever. Crystal rekindled her relationship with her sister ( Brit) but her and her brother ( cash) relationship remained strained. It is now almost time for milli first birthday


Crystal: mommy's baby is so big

Milli: big

Crystal: yes mama , you're bout to be 1 ( as milli hold up one finger) yes mommy 1 , that's right ( Crystal said)

Jax: hey mama

Crystal: hey baby

Jax: do you know where mom and dad is

Crystal: they went grocery shopping they should be back any minute

Jax: can I go outside to play basketball

Crystal: yes , be careful

Jax: I will( he replied as he left out)

Jewerly store

Devale : you really think she's going to like this one

Khadeen: she will it's fucking gorgeous

Devale: are you sure

Khadeen: yes , I am

Devale: okay I want this one ( Devale says to the worker )

Devale: come on we have to get going ( he said getting his stuff )

Khadeen:ok ( as they left)


(Short chapter ) !!!!!

What do yall think Khadeen and devale is planning?

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