Im Done

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As Crystal approaches Devale and khadeens house she became hesitant. A part of her wanted to turn around and the other part of her wanted to just tell them and get it over with. She pulls in the yard but she sat in the car and hesitated. 10 minutes pass by and she hears knocking on her car window.

Devale: hey .... You okay? Why you sitting out here?

Crystal: I'm sorry I was just about to come in

Devale: I can tell somethings wrong. What's on your mind ?

Crystal: let's go inside and I'll tell y'all

( as she got out the car and head inside with devale following behind...... she walks in Devale directs her to the man cave)

Khadeen: hey baby ( she says getting up to kiss Crystal)

Crystal: hey

Khadeen: I missed you

Crystal: I missed you more

Devale: Crystal are you okay... you said that you wanted to talk

Crystal : yes I wanted to tell you guys something but I'm afraid about how y'all might react.

Khadeen: what is it

Crystal: well I... I'm pregnant ( she said as Khadeen and Devale were both silent)

Devale : wait what( he said surprised)

Crystal : yeah.....  look I'm sorry. I want y'all to know that I didn't plan this for this to happen and that it wasn't my intentions. If yall don't want anything to do with the baby that's okay I know we didn't initially talk about this. I don't know if this would change things between us but I just felt that I should let yall know.

Khadeen: what... no ... of course it doesn't change anything and of course I'm going to be there. What did we promise eachother.

Crystal: me and you

Khadeen: always and forever ( as devale still sat silently)

Crystal: ummmm D .... How do you feel about this

Devale: is it mine

Crystal : yes of course

Devale : how do I know that

Khadeen: Devale stop

Crystal: your the only man that I've slept with

Devale : I don't know that.... I don't know what you  be  doing or who you be with when your not here

Crystal : I swear your the only man that Ive been with

Devale : how far along are you

Khadeen: what is your fucking problem

Crystal: I'm 7 weeks

Devale: I want a dna test

Khadeen : the fuck is wrong with you

Devale : I mean... she was having sex with us so whose to show there wasn't anybody else

Crystal : are you calling me a whore

Devale : I mean I'm just saying..... you wasn't staying here so I don't know who you were with

Crystal: I'll take the test. If I even decide to keep the baby. ( she says standing up and grabbing here purse and heading towards the door)

Khadeen: baby wait..... I'm so sorry about that

Crystal : no it's okay...... I get it.... If I have to do it alone I will. It's just I didn't want to hide it from you guys. I haven't been with no other man. So if I keep the baby I'll let you know.

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