He's gone

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Khadeen went over to hug Crystal making sure she didn't hurt her. Devale decided to stay back and speak from a distant because of the fact the crystal was attacked and he didn't know her triggers and didn't want to scare her.

Khadeen: how are you? Are you okay? What's wrong?

Crystal : I'm ok

Devale : are you sure? It look like you been crying and your parent said that you refused to let them in

Crystal: it's a long story

Khadeen: we got time

Devale: no wait... my question is who did this to you.

Crystal : I don't know

Khadeen : stop lying.

Devale : yeah , the police said that there was no signs of forced entry meaning that you opened the door or the person had a key.

Crystal : look it doesn't matter okay. Just let it go( she said in between tears)

Devale: look if you're scared you don't have to be scared anymore because I got you. I promise that I won't let anything happen to you. Just tell me

Crystal : I don't know who I can trust. I can't even tell the police because he has so many connections. He has contacts in office. There is no point of me saying anything he's going to get away with like he always to.

Devale: tell me who did it and I'll take care of it

Crystal : but you can't tho Devale. What are you going to do

Devale : don't worry about it I got it

Khadeen: who did it babe

Crystal : it was David. He got angry with me. Maybe it's my fault I mean I did open the door.

Khadeen: it is not your fault so stop blaming yourself for it. Nobody deserves that. ( she said as she noticed Devale stand up and grab his keys)

Crystal : D.. where you going

Devale: I'm going to go handle it ( he says as he left and Khadeen didn't stop him

Crystal: I don't want him to get in trouble, it's not that big of a deal. I'm ok. I don't want him in jail.

Khadeen: calm down. Its gonna be okay

2 hours later

Tony: can you please ask her if we can talk

Medical receptionist: I'll go ask again but she has made it clear three times that she didn't want to talk to y'all and that she needed space

Mona: I don't know why you keep begging let's just go. She don't want us here any ways so fuck her ungrateful ass.

Tony: she's our daughter

Mona: it doesn't matter

Tony: look ma'am if you could can you ask just one last time.

Medical receptionist: yeah sure


Knock , knock

Crystal : come in

Nurse : how are you feeling

Crystal : I'm okay.

Nurse: well I wanted to let you know that your parent are still here wanting to talk to you.

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