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Sheena: can I tell you something

Mona: sure

Sheena: I have a daughter, well had

Mona: what do you mean had( she asked confused)

Sheena: after I gave birth to her I had went through postpartum depression. Jamie my husband forced me to sign my rights over and had it approved by a judge within a day after I accidentally dosed off to sleep while she was in the tub. I was just exhausted and going through a lot with no help. So I had went to rehab and when therapy for 3 months and when I came back he said that she was safe with another family and refused to tell me where she was.

Mona: what

Sheena: I tried to get help find her but it's hard when he's Rich and has connections all over, nobody believed me a black woman who has a background. He threatened me and told me that I would lose if I took him to court because I had a strained relationship with Devale and because I had Devale at a young age.

Mona: that's fucking crazy

Sheena: He told me that if I behaved that he would tell me where she was so I stayed so long looking for her and doing everything that he asked and said to do hoping that one day I would get to see her again.( she said as she cried)

Mona: my god( she said drying her eyes)

Sheena: I didn't know what to do , he isolated me from my family and my friends and I was scared. I tried reaching out to Devale but he refused to talk to me. He doesn't even know he has a 10 year old sister out there somewhere.

Mona: my husband Tony is a judge and I'm a lawyer. I can try to talk to some people and get some information

Sheena: I tried already and he's dangerous. I don't want to bring y'all in this situation.

Mona: just let us try to help , I'm going to head home and talk to my husband and tomorrow we're going to see what we can find

Sheena: okay( as Mona stood up to leave)

Mona: have a good night

Sheena: you too, and thank you again

Mona: it's no problem


Devale left to get some air after what happened with his mom and crystal

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Devale left to get some air after what happened with his mom and crystal. He enters into the room and sees crystal and Khadeen laying in the bed sleeping. He decides to go hop in the shower, while he was taking his shower all he could do was think about all the things that had happened and think about how he was going to apologize to Crystal. He felt bad about what he said and needed her to know that he didn't mean it how she took it. After his shower he put on his clothes and eased in the bed getting in the middle of both Khadeen and Crystal as Crystal started to get up.

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