New york

509 44 18

Later that night

Khadeen- you been gone all day and haven't said anything

Devale- I was busy

Khadeen- you could've called or sent a text message

Devale- ok

Crystal- okay, you acting like you don't give a fuck

Devale- I really just don't want to be bothered with this right now

Khadeen- the fuck is going on with you

Devale- look, I'm sorry I didn't call or send a text

Khadeen- if this is about last night —( as he cut her off)

Devale- it's not , I really don't care

Khadeen-cause you can't be mad about that we told you to come to bed

Devale- Im not

Crystal- so what's going on

Devale- just let it go please, give me some space ( he said walking away)

The next morning

Sheena - how did you know that I was here

Devale- I called mama  Mona and she told me

Sheena- oh , what's going on

Devale- I'm going to find her

Sheena- he's dangerous Devale, you can't go confronting him by yourself

Devale- she's my sister, I'm going to do whatever I have to do to find her

Sheena- you have to think about the kids Devale

Devale- why did you tell me if you didn't want me to go find her 

Sheena- because I thought you would want to know

Devale- well I'm going regardless of what you say

Sheena- your not thinking this through and you can't go by yourself

Devale- I have thought this through

Sheena- Devale

Devale- I only came here to get information on him.

Sheena- what about your wife , fiancee and kids

Devale- look , I don't want to talk about them and I'd prefer for them not to know about this

Sheena- why , they have a right to know what's going on

Devale- they would just talk me out of it and tell me that I need to go to the police

Sheena- as they should

Devale- you and me both know that going to the police isn't going to work this time

Sheena- so your going to kill him

Devale- he's going to pay for what he did

Devale- he's going to pay for what he did ————————————————————————————

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