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(Nicole talking to her friend Keshia )

Nicole: you see that girl right there in the pink

( pointing to Khadeen as her and Crystal sits in the waiting room waiting for Michael to come so they can get the dna test done)

Keshia: yeah

Nicole: that's my baby daddy wife

Keshia: what she doing here

Nicole: girl I don't know probably just supporting Crystal

Keshia: do he know she's here

Nicole: no , he shouldn't care

Keshia: I mean you said he's hiding you right

Nicole: yeah

Keshia : maybe it's time ( as Nicole cuts her off)

Nicole: time for his wife to find out

Keshia: yep

Nicole: bitch you smart

Keshia: call him and ask him to come up here

Nicole : okay
Nicole on the phone with Devale

Ring , Ring, Ring

Nicole: hey babe

Devale: wassup

Nicole: I was wondering if you were busy

Devale: no , why wassup

Nicole: well I was wondering if you could bring me lunch , me and the baby hungry

Devale: you work in a hospital with plenty food

Nicole: I know but I don't want this , please ( she begged )

Devale: ummm, sure what would you like

Nicole : it doesn't matter anything is fine

Devale: okay I'll be there soon

Nicole: okay


Keshia : is he coming

Nicole: yes

Keshia : this is about to be good

( in the waiting room)

Khadeen : baby calm down

Crystal: I can't I'm nervous

Khadeen: you don't have to be I'm right here ( just as Michael come into the room)

Michael: are you ready

Crystal: yeah

Michael: why are you shaking

Crystal: I'm sorry, I'm a little nervous

Michael: don't be , it's just a little swab

Crystal: I'm not nervous about that ( she laughs) I'm nervous about what might happen after we get the results

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