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As Khadeen head down stairs and get to the door

Khadeen : who is it

Its us ( Crystal parent say as khadeen opened the door. )

Mona: why tf you at my daughter house this late in a robe when you have a fucking husband

_____________________________________ Continuation

Khadeen: better question is why are you here

Mona: girl stop talking to me ... were is my daughter

Khadeen : she don't want to talk to you

(Crystal coming down stairs walking into the living room)

Crystal: baby who's at the door

Tony : baby( he questioned )

Mona: what the fuck you mean baby

Khadeen: just as she said

Crystal: hey daddy

Tony : hey princess

Crystal : hi mom

Mona: why did you call her baby

Crystal: I..... ummm

Khadeen: because we're in a relationship

Mona: a relationship... Crystal your pregnant what do you mean a relationship ( she said as she started laughing hysterically)

Mona: you're in a relationship with a woman.... A married woman.... And you're pregnant You're even more a disgrace than I thought.

Tony: Mona thats enough

Mona: I wonder how her husband feels about this .....

Khadeen: oh girl please

Mona: I can't believe I came here to try to talk to you because you're pregnant and I found out from social media. You're father convinced me to try to work things out with you but this just gave me all the reasons as to why I left your sorry ass the way I did. You are a disgrace to this family and I hope you rot in hell. ( as she walks out the door to leave, Leaving crystal with tears in her eyes)

Tony: I'm so sorry about that baby ,i want you to know I support you but Khadeen is Married what are you doing ( he questioned)

Crystal : it's complicated dad

Tony: so explain it to me baby.... I'm just trying to figure this out... who's the baby's father. I won't say anything if it's a secret or something I just want to know because I'm confused. You guys are in a relationship but she's married with kids so please help me understand.

Khadeen: can I (she asked as Tony nodded)

Crystal: please ( as she sighed with relief)

Khadeen: Mr. Tony the truth is me and my husband have been separated for a while. He's cheated on me multiple times and during the time me and Crystal were both going through things. During that time we didn't have anyone else but we had eachother. She helped me through.

Tony: what things were you going through baby girl

Crystal: around the time when you and mom had basically Stopped talking to me  I had also went through a breakup and also had a miscarriage and I was struggling with depression.

Tony: I'm so sorry i wasn't there for you

Crystal : it's fine dad I had Khadeen

Tony: so Khadeen how to devale feel about this .... Do he even know ( he questioned )

Khadeen: he knows , he don't care he has made it clear that he is doing him and fucking who he wants

Tony: and what about the baby's father who is he

Crystal: well..... ummm that's where is gets complicated

Tony: I'm listening to

Crystal: dad you can't judge me

Tony : I'm not just tell me

Crystal: daddy

Tony : I promise

Crystal: ok well the father of my child is Devale

Tony : just when I thought I couldn't get more juicier I'm flabbergasted...... you had sex with both of the crystal..... oh god not my little princess ( he laughs)

Crystal: its not funny

Tony: ok.. one last question you said that you went through a breakup and a miscarriage with who

Crystal: my ex but I don't wanna talk about it ( as Tony nodded)

Tony : ok I have to go I'll see you tomorrow and again to you both I'm sorry about how Mona acted.

Devale POV

Bang ,bang  , bang

Devale : who is it ( as he opens the door

Devale:  what are you doing here so late and why tf you beating on my door like that

Nicole : I need to talk to you

Devale : about what and as I said why are you here this time of night

Nicole : I'm pregnant ( she blurted out)


Short chapter 🩷

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